Saturday, December 7, 2013

Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy (Unrated) [Blu-ray]

UNRATED- was uncalled for.
I LOVED this movie when I saw it in the theatre over the past summer- so I was pumped to see an "unrated" version come out on DVD.

Whomever was in charge of putting this DVD together yanked a huge chain on this release. I had expected the "unrated" version to be funnier than the theatrical version which I thought was one of the year's funniest movies, because in general, "unrated" cuts have been better than the "regular" release.

This "unrated" version skips a couple really great monents from the theatrical version, one instance is when Carell's character "Brick" utters "I ate a big red candle" during the party hangover sequence and they replace it with a joke that's nowhere near that great non-sequitor. Near the end of the film they edited out Ferrell's lines just before he picks up the phone in the bar (something about "once being an anchorman")which was more in line with the film's plot/angle than the new scene of Burgundy eating cat poop. A TERRIBLY UNFUNNY...
ferrels best comedy
This limited edition version which is only at sale at a certain retail chain and here evidently features a interesting box with a 'diary' of Ron Burgundy and trading cards. The package has two blu ray discs with a unrated version of the movie and a made for dvd flick as well. I don't know if they will release this modern classic comedy on a regular blu ray without the extra film but certainly the packaging will be different after this edition sells out. Making it a collectors edition. This imo is a modern classic comedy, the movie just does everything right , it's funny and has great acting from everyone involved and it features the golden age of news anchorpeople the seventies, that was the decade when women really made inroads into the field and laid the groundwork for all the top anchors that would follow. The seventies too are always a great decade to have a comedy in, it's the predigital age (1980's-) and things were in someways better than today for sure, others not. but at...
I'm.....Ron Burgondy?
Lets be real. This movie is good, and I mean really good. Don't act like your not impressed. Will Ferrell is a genius, honestly. If you disagree with me I will fight you. Simple as that. I will fight you. This movie is rich and compelling. Bottom line. You won't regret watching this movie. Bottom line. I mean who cares if he doesn't speak spanish? He looks really good in this movie. He makes Sinatra look like a Hobo. This movie is also very informative. It could be a documentry. You learn alot about things you probably wouldn't have known before you watched this movie. For instance, did you know diversity was a old old wooden ship that was used in the civil war era? I'll be the first one to say I did not know that. I also was unaware of the meaning behind the name San Diego. I also didn't know that the germans discovered San Diego. Suffice to say, I learned a lot while watching this movie. Go watch it now.
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