Friday, December 6, 2013

Simpsons: Season 16 [Blu-ray]

What's the deal?
I rarely look forward to anything, much less put actual money aside for something. This is killing me - you must release season 16 on DVD! Why do you choose to torture us like this? What could be the motivation of your terrible choice of not sharing season 16 with your buddies? I mean, I'm totally willing to pay money, you know? Isn't that kind of the goal when you release a product - to make money?

My god, man. I've never gotten on my knees before, but just say the word, JUST SAY THE WORD!
Where is season 16???
You were producing these seasonal DVD sets every 6 months. Now it has been an entire year since season 15 without so much as a pre-order yet. It looks like you have done nothing to produce the DVD's for the remaining seasons. Where is season 16? In fact, I would like to have all of the remaining seasons... except 20, of course. There are those of us who are still buying these simpson season episode sets on DVD. If you are losing customers it is because they are dying of old age or ailments before you produced the DVD's. If you haven't noticed, large numbers of people are dying in their 50's now. The longer you wait, the more customers will die. You had better hurry up while there are any of us left to buy them. Your audience will only dwindle with time...

At the very least... do all 24 years worth of "Treehouse of Horror" since those are clearly the best episodes. I had to put all 15 years worth of Treehouse episodes in separate Jewel cases so I can access them without...
One a year ? Come on guys...
Okay so I currently have my 15 seasons or should I say 16 with the release of the twentieth anniversary. But were 9 seasons back,there are collectors out there,and think of the hard work the show runners put in the show and we can't even watch them at will. We have to wait year after year. I wanna remember season 16 and up,i'm not gonna illegally download the show because I pay my respects to the show and all the hard workers that work on it. Family Guy does theirs all mest up with the whole volumes thing. But hey exleast there caught up on Dvd. I would think the people that release Family Guy on dvd do The Simpsons. So why not catch this show up ? It kills me deep down inside,along with the other fans. I'f I could have a petition going around for this I would try my hardest to rid this way the show is published. Why not exleast 2 seasons a year,or 3 ? Just do it till were caught up at seasons 24 and will be good to go. Then you can go back to releasing once a year. Please listen to...
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