Thursday, December 5, 2013

The Hangover Part II (+Ultraviolet Digital Copy)

I thought it was pretty funny
Yes, it is the EXACT same plot in almost every single way. This film is just another excuse for them, to continue the magic of first Hangover's success. Don't expect it to BLOW your mind with hilarity. But it definitely has its moments. Some very dumb moments too (Useless use of a helicopter, too.) But, I think its worth buying.
Glad I saw it. Good comedy, just not as good as the first.
If you liked the first one, then you will probably like this sequel. Same premise, same type of humor, and same wackiness.

One of the funnier movies this year.

LOL - I find it funny that all these reviewers are giving it 1 star because they are getting the UV Digital Copy along with the Blu Ray or DVD. That is really skewing the reviews for this. Doesn't make sense to me. Are you reviewing the movie, the Blu Ray, or just the UV digital copy? If "just the UV", are you giving the entire product package a fair review? Matter of fact, have most of you one-star reviewers even seen the movie? You definitely haven't seen the blu ray since most of your reviews are dated before the release.

Anyways, please ignore all the 1 star reviews related to the UV copy. IMO, these reviewers are not using the rating system appropriately. I understand they want to make a statement because they dislike the UV copies.
"Is that a Shiitake Mushroom?"
First off I have to say that when I watched the first Hangover in the theater I wasn't super impressed with it. Everyone was saying it was super hilarious, but I found it only mildly funny in a large auditorium with ~200 other people. When I rewatched it at home with just a few people it was infinitely better. This Part II however was completely hilarious in the theater and again at home. I found myself walking away trying to figure out how this movie made it into the public without an NC-17 rating. I suppose they are becoming more liberal with the rating boards. There are too many funny moments to pick just one. Needless to say this is a must see for fans of the first one, but at the same time some of the more light hearted folks may want to pass it up. Definitely not for anyone up 18.
Click to Editorial Reviews

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