Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Men in Black 3 (Two Disc Combo: Blu-ray / DVD + UltraViolet Digital Copy)

Galaxy Defenders
I get out to the theater to see a movie about once per year; I'm now a slave to the Blu Ray home entertainment era. However, I did something this Memorial Day weekend that I haven't done in over 20 years: I went to the theater twice in 2 days (with my kids) to see The Avengers and Men in Black III. And neither of the movies let me down; both were excellent.

While The Avengers is getting high marks from the critics, I am very surprised by the so-so reviews that MiB III is getting. I'm glad that I went to the theater, because the abundance of "just average" reviews might have even deterred me from putting MiB III in my rental queue. I'm here to say don't be deterred.

MiB III was almost as good as the original MiB (and the original MiB was classic), and MiB III was better than...
"That's not the lie you told me when you recruited me! "
After the apocalypse of Independence Day and the epics of Star Wars and Star Trek, the sci-fi field was ripe for a spoof. Men in Black was the DEFINITIVE spoof of the sci-fi genre when it came out, an entertaining balance of light-hearted drama, action, and wacky comedy. The sequel...wasn't quite on the same level of film-making, lacking a smart script, and showing just what happens when Sonnenfeld gets carried away with drenching his stars in colored goo. And now act three rolls out and we have...

"I promised the secrets of the universe, nothing more."

After the insanity of the previous two Men in Black movies, everything moves in a different direction this time around...fourth dimensionally. When I heard that this movie would be all about time travel, and when I heard that the script was generated in a huge rush so that they could get the movie out on time, I expected the worst. I was VERY pleasantly surprised this time around. The basic plot revolves around an...
When I viewed MIB, I thought it was very funny and highly entertaining. When I viewed MIB2, I felt as if something was missing and did not find it as enjoyable as MIB. I found MIB3 to be the Best of the 3 films, the most entertaining and the most enjoyable science fiction movie I've seen in a long time. The aliens are fascinating, and many credits go to creativity. The time jump will grab your interest as we wonder which future will occur? The acting performance of Brolin and Michael Stuhlburg is superb, they are indeed mesmerizing! The impression of Tommy Lee Jones is incredible and the creatures are visually appealing. Overall, the perfect movie to see with a huge bag of buttered-popcorn!
Click to Editorial Reviews

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