Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Untold History of the United States [Blu-ray]

Not the History You were Taught in School
Ever wondered why history in school was so boring and cliché with memorization of dates to be regurgitated on tests? Always the who, what, where but a less than honest or incomplete why? It is really no wonder why much of the world cannot understand why much of the American people really don't know the macro picture of what is going on (past and present). Most TV news media coverage, insight and commentary borders on laughable magazine show coverage. If that is how you inform your self, rise above the white noise and get this DVD set. One must know the true realities of the past to connect the dots to the realities of the present. The tiny number of news corporations that control your TV information input will not assist you in this endeavor.

As this information is quite dense, I also highly recommended that you purchase the book. Reading the book and following the DVD series helps with the mental organization and memory reinforcement. However, the book time line...
The Most Important Show on Television
This is something that should be required viewing in High School. This show gives you a lot of information, and does so in a very interesting and satisfying way. Oliver is such an amazing storyteller that he has no trouble captivating the audience with his images, as well as his narration. It is hard to just watch one episode of this show, without wanting to immediately start another. After my first viewing, I knew that this was something that I wanted everyone I know to see. I will definitely be buying some as gifts.

Definitely worth $35.00 Even better during the second viewing.
This was a fast-paced and well presented series on modern history and it affects on current affairs, highly detailed and informative. Don't miss a second as it is very detail rich. Much of the information is supported with news articles from the time a given event took place, concurrent with other influencing events at the time. Lots of "what ifs" as well, current affairs could have taken quite a different and peaceful path, very interesting!
Click to Editorial Reviews

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