Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Stuck in Love (Blu-Ray/DVD Combo)

3.5 stars... as utterly predicatble as it is enjoyable
"Stuck In Love" (2013 release; 96 min.) brings the story of the Borgens family. As the movie opens, we see Bill Borgens (played by Greg Kinnear) secretly looking inside the house of his ex-wife Erica (played by Jennifer Connelly), who left him a few years ago to marry a younger guy. We learn that Bill still isn't over Erica, and is "stuck in love". We also meet their daughter Sam (played by Lily Collins), a college student who somehow managed to publish a novel with a major publishing house, and hence following in the footsteps of her dad. Sam is all tough on the outside when it comes to love and relationships. Then there is their son Rusty, a HS kid who also aspires to become a writer and who has a crush on Kate, a seemingly unavailable girl in his class. Lastly, we get to know Tricia (played by Kirsten Bell), Bill's occasional girlfriend, and who is trying to coach Bill back into the dating scene. Will Bill and Erica get back together again? or will Bill find success in the dating...
I couldn't find this movie for rent, so I had to buy it. I knew I wanted to see it when I saw a preview for it, but really wasn't expecting much from it. I thought it would just be one of those so-so movies you really only watch once and then forget. I was certainly suprised at how much I enjoyed the movie. Immediately after I thought to myself, "This is a keeper.".

The movie stars Oscar nominee Greg Kinnear ("As Good As It Gets", wait... didn't he used to host a talk show?) as William Borgens, a divorced writer with two children trying to reconnect with his ex-wife Erica, played by Oscar winner Jennifer Connelly ("A Beautiful Mind", wait... I just remembered her riding that toy horse in "Career Opportunities". DAMN THAT WAS HOT!!!!!!!). William's two children are also writers. Samantha, (played by Lily Collins from "The Mortal Instruments") a promiscuous young adult who is having her first book published called, "Under The...
SLOW Plot line
I thought this movie was slow, and I fell asleep watching it, and I never went back
to watch the end of it.
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