Thursday, October 31, 2013

The Hunger Games [2-Disc Blu-ray + Ultra-Violet Digital Copy]

A masterpiece! An excellent film about courage, hope and human dignity facing the all powerful totalitarian tyranny!
"Hunger Games" is certainly the best film I have seen since many many months, and it is a very successful adaptation of an excellent book.

In my personal opinion, both the book and the film are much deeper and much more ambitious, than what most critics and reviewers would make us believe. After reading the reviews in "New York Times", "Le Monde" and on "" (to cite only few) I was surprised that they mostly missed everything that is important in this film. With a kind of amused superiority, which people from Capitol in this movie would immediately recognize, the "professional" reviewers pointed at the obvious allusions to gladiator fights, the reality shows, the importance of trashy entertainment in today's TV, the search for a new franchise able to replace "Twilight", etc., etc.

But they almost entirely failed to see, that this film is first and above all about much more important things: how to keep hope, not lose the courage and preserve humanity and...
Too pretty, too santized -- the film has none of the emotional impact of the novel
Director Gary Ross's version of Suzanne Collins's HUNGER GAMES manages to sanitize the entire concept of kids-killing-kids in order to produce a PG-13 blockbuster that's sure to rake in the big bucks. But what was devastating and heart-wrenching in the novel is glossed over and prettified here, leaving me feeling none of the emotional impact I experienced in reading the book.

[**SPOILER WARNING** I'm assuming readers are familiar with the novel, so some plot elements will be discussed in this review.]

Don't get me wrong, this is a slick and well-made film, with plenty of action and a sensational performance from Jennifer Lawrence as heroine Katniss Everdeen. The settings are well done, especially the Capitol in all its crazy-colored chic-ness and over-the-top luxury. District 12, the poorest district in Panem, is believably presented as well, complete with starving people dressed in rags and walking like zombies to their depressing jobs. The scene of the...
Enjoyed this book to flick.
I enjoyed this movie. Yes, I've read the books. People will always be upset because things are always missing from the story when you take a book and transfer it to film. I thought it was done well. Other people didn't understand the concept. This is a trilogy, you're not supposed to learn everything in the first book. Everything will come together, and there will be more understanding. Overall, it was a great representation of the book, in my opinion.
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Iron Man 2 (Three-Disc Blu-ray/DVD Combo)

A frank review by an Iron Man Fanboy
I've loved Iron Man ever since my first Tales of Suspense comic, so I might not be the most unbiased person to write a review. Still, I'm going to try and be as honest as I possibly can. In some ways, Iron Man 2 improves on the original. For instance, the brawl between Iron Man and War Machine was perfect, and RDJr was even better this time around. However, there were some weak moments. For example, Pepper Potts is almost absent from the movie, and is shrill and unpleasant during her brief appearances. Whiplash has never been a particularly compelling villain, and the movie doesn't do much to make him any more exciting. Also, they really need to STOP with the "Iron Man fights someone who has the same technology" plots. It's already boring. Plus, I couldn't help but wonder where a drunken hobo managed to get the equipment to build an Arc Reactor. Stark did it in the first movie because he had several billion dollars worth of his own weaponry to cannibalize. How does a homeless...
While Iron Man 2 may not be perfect, it is a very solid and fun sequel. Improvements include better action sequences and some great characters added to the franchise. Unfortunately there is a lot going on here and even though it isn't hard to follow, there isn't enough time to give each sub plot the proper screen time it deserves. Oddly enough for a super hero film, I think they could have edited some of the talky scenes down and added a little more Iron Man action.

A good example of this is when we meet Natasha Romanova she isn't given much to do and I found myself wondering if she was going to be The Black Widow on screen. She is only in one action sequence(a great one with one of the funniest moments in the film)late in the movie and she and Nick Fury are really only there to set up The Avengers movie. I'm not saying it should be edited out, but there is only so much ground you can cover in two hours. Whiplash is played with gusto by Mickey Rourke, but he doesn't have...
A High Tech, Lesser Value Superhero Sequel
At the end of 2008, I made two bold assertions: (1) That "Iron Man" was one of the year's best films; (2) that "Iron Man" was one of the greatest superhero films ever made. I still believe both to be true. Now we have "Iron Man 2." While it is thoroughly entertaining, it's also a bit conventional when compared to its predecessor, having less of a compelling story but more in the ways of action, special effects, gadgets, humor, and stunt work. It's a comic book through and through. That's fine by me - what it lacks in introspection it more than makes up for in sheer fun. We have plenty to cheer for, not the least of which is our hero, billionaire industrialist Tony Stark (Robert Downey, Jr.), who when we last left him had shut down the weapon's division of his company to focus on more humanitarian uses for technology. The result was a high tech metal suit equipped with rocket boosters and missile launchers.

It's now six months after Stark revealed himself as Iron Man at a...
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Life of Pi (Blu-ray + DVD + Digital Copy)

"Which story do you prefer?" A film review from a literary perspective
Wow, this has been an exciting fall for literary adaptations! I read Yann Martel's Life of Pi a decade ago and thought it was fantastic storytelling. I cheered when it won the Man Booker Prize. So, I was quite excited to attend an advance screening recently with several members of my book group. I remembered the novel quite well in broad strokes, but not the fine detail. I didn't refresh my memory before watching the film, but was curious enough to reread Life of Pi in its entirety before writing this review. The film is very true to the novel in spirit and tone, but there are small changes, additions (generally positive), and elisions (some noteworthy).

The film opens similarly to the novel. The idea is the same, but the execution is slightly different. Different mediums require different storytelling tools. For instance, I believe most film-goers will readily recognize The Writer (portrayed by actor Rafe Spall, who replaced a distractingly famous Toby Maguire) as...
Beauty and Spirit, Both Beyond Words
This may be the hardest movie review I've ever written, somehow words don't
express it quite right ...

To begin, I saw Life of Pi in 3-D. A week later I went back and saw it again,
because I don't foresee having another chance. I expect the color and detail
will remain gorgeous in 2-D, and I definitely intend to buy the disc.

However the 3-D in this movie is spectacular. The tiger, Richard Parker, is
at the top of the list, but in fact the entire movie benefits tremendously
from 3-D. If you liked Avatar, you probably liked the marvelous animals.
And I'm sure in some scenes, Richard Parker is CGI'd to some extent. But
Life of Pi has a real earthly animal to work with, and you can argue there
is no animal on earth more beautiful or fierce than a tiger. That's part
of the genius of this movie, and I'm sure one reason James Cameron liked
it so much.

That brings me to another point about this movie, its...
A must-see masterpiece of the beauty of being alive
Ang Lee's "Life of Pi" is a masterpiece with some of the most beautiful and unforgettable images ever displayed on film. Not only did it give me an experience of the wonder in being alive while moving me to tears, but its story also encompassed a human life from childhood to mature age while dealing with pain and guilt that are part of the human experience.

Ang Lee isn't thought of as an Asian auteur in the class of Wong Kar-wai, Zhang Yimou or Lee Chang-dong. He's actually more of a commercial director than a personal artist, but what he does in transferring the "Life of Pi" from novel to screen is miraculous. Perhaps no director has ever captured the beauty and fear of the power of life, and when you look deep into the eyes of the tiger "Richard Parker", you see what Marlowe saw in Kurtz's eyes in Conrad's "The Heart of Darkness": a power so vast it dwarfs you with an awareness of your mortality, showing you your insignificance beside the powers of all life. What Ang...
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The Walking Dead Season 3 Limited Edition [Blu-ray]

THE WALKING DEAD Season 3 Blu-Ray Limited Edition
This Blu-Ray set is really awesome! The "Zombie Head Aquarium" is a hard plastic case with two plastic aquariums with either two or three (five total) severed heads with a few decorative twigs, both aquariums are removable and the lids come off, you can fill the two aquariums with water and put the lids back on. The case itself takes four (4) AAA batteries on the bottom, and right-side up, the front of the case, the "3" for "SEASON 3" is the button to turn on the six little lights in the case that will illuminate the two aquariums, when put back into the case after filling them with water. The Blu-Ray DVD set fits into a sleeve in the back of the case. Batteries are separate. The Walker Heads are attached to a clip that clips onto the back of the aquariums, so that the heads gives the illusion that they are floating.
The Blu-Ray DVDs consist of five discs (Discs 1-4 are the Episodes. Disc 1 - Episodes 1-4. Disc 2 - Episodes 5-8. Disc 3 - Episodes 9-12. Disc 4 - Episodes...
Uncomfortably awesome
This show pushes my limits. Not the creepy scary "zombie" flick type, that makes you laugh, but I see these people going through real struggles and learning how to rely on each other. They are becoming accustomed to losing members of their group.We get to see factions devolve into a more primitive society. I watch the show and some parts really make me uncomfortable. But, I cannot wait till the next episode.
Just when you think life was getting easier!
The writers this season worked overtime to create the most action packed episodes they could. The action in this one is intense and non-stop from beginning to end. Rick is working to get the group more organized and prepared to have a nicer living area and replenishable food supply. As the group is making good progress all hell breaks loose....

Meanwhile Michonne and Andrea are still planning to leave and the governor seems to agree but what are his real plans.....

This season so far has just been full of action and suspense. Nothing is ever static and the continuously changing plot and storyline keeps you on the edge of your seat waiting for the next episode. Every week it is cliffhanger after cliffhanger and a new twist in the story that makes your jaw drop. This is an excellent episode and I recommend it to you.
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Children of Men [Blu-ray]

It's The End Of the World As I Know It--But Maybe Not...
"Children of Men," by Mexican director Alfonso Cuaron, was one of the more unusual success stories of 2006. While not a blockbuster, by any standards, this unconventional film was all but abandoned by a studio that didn't know how to market it. Positioned for release during prime Oscar season, this is not a film that was backed as a potential nominee. However, as almost universal critical acceptance came rolling in--a smaller, but loyal, fan base discovered and embraced this movie. "Children of Men" ended up, therefore, with much acclaim and admiration, decent box office, a more widespread distribution, and 3 Academy Award nominations (Screenplay, Editing, and Cinematography).

In an interesting twist on the apocalypse drama genre, "Children of Men" presents a world that is coming to an end with a whimper as opposed to a bang. For there is no cataclysmic explosion forcing humanity to confront it's own mortality. No, in this case, people have simply lost the ability to...
Brilliant Movie!
Children of Men just came out today in Spain and it is fantastic.

The story line is totally original and the acting is superb. Clive Owen is captivating as a man caught between his sorrow from his past and the hope for a new world future.

The basic premise is set in the year 2027 and 18 years ago women mysteriously stopped being capable of having children. Society has started to crumble because all hope of the future has disappeared.

Owen's character (Theo), an ex-activist, is pulled into an underground "terrorist" group that has found something that will bring hope to the world; but hidden agendas and distrust are threatening to pull the only hope left apart.

The cinematography and set designs are top notch, and with a supporting cast that includes Michael Caine and Julianne Moore- it only takes a great story to that next level of excellence.

Also the soundtrack is really well chosen and they use the music to great effect in...
A bold departure for P.D. James (author) results in a stunning film
While I loved the movie, I strongly suggest you read the book as well. There are differences between the two and, of course, verbal descriptions of characters' thoughts are often hard to reproduce on screen. Almost always, sacrifices must be made in the script - and this film is no exception. However, I DO feel the movie stays true to the INTENT and MESSAGE of the book and it is quite a wonderful film.

It is futuristic and if you know anything about the author of the book on which this film is based (P.D. James) you'll know this isn't her usual mystery story. But it is one of my favorite works that she has written, telling of a time when people are infertile and of the hope that resides when there is a chance that someone can produce children again.

The government gets involved and there are political messages and subplots, all set against a certain, dark atmosphere. This film will make you think and I actually find the possibility of a future where...
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Wednesday, October 30, 2013

The Lord of the Rings: The Motion Picture Trilogy (The Fellowship of the Ring / The Two Towers / The Return of the King Extended Editions) [Blu-ray]

Extended Blu ray: Do you need if you already own extended DVD editions? Review for both beginners and Die Hard LOTR fans
This is NOT the review of the movies. I am solely reviewing the facts that what EXTRA you get in this set than the previous editions. I will start with very basic facts for those who are baffled by so many editions being out there.
The basic facts-
LOTR series has basically two types of movies- a) Theatrical and b) Extended, each edition are available in both-DVD and Blu ray format.
Extended versions of the movies have humongous amount of extra film footage added to the theatrical editions (approx. 30, 40 and 50 additional minutes for movie 1, 2 and 3 respectively). So, go for the extended editions only if you are a die hard fan of the movies. If you are not, the review ends here. Buy whichever movie you like in your preferred format and enjoy. Thanks.

Let's get straight to-the-point. Now, many of you may as well own the DVD versions of LOTR (Either Theatrical or Extended ot both), and if you are trying to make a decision whether to spend...
LOTR - FAQ for the Blu-ray Extended Edition
Q - Is it worth it, especially if I already have the DVD edition?
A - To me it is because I like to watch movies at home on the biggest possible screen at the highest possible resolution. I still have the DVD editions - which I'm keeping because I like the artwork - and the quality gain on the Blu is significant.

Q - Could this edition be viewed as 'the gold standard'?
A - Yes. It has the extended cuts at the highest resolution with the best sound and the most extensive collection of special features.

Q - How many Blu-ray discs are in the box?
A - There are SIX Blu-ray discs. The additional 9 'extras' or 'bonus' discs are DVDs.

Q - Are the movies delivered on one disc each?
A - No. See above. Like the DVD extended edition, the movies are delivered on 2 discs each.

Q - Why aren't the movies delivered on one Blu-ray disc each?
A - Most Blu-ray players can only read single layer (25GB) and dual layer discs (50GB). Each...
The Ultimate DVD set for all time!
I already reviewed the regular "Motion Picture Trilogy" containing the non-extended editions of the legendary Lord of The Rings masterpieces on one set. However, this newest edition is a grand improvement on the previous edition. This item is a much, MUCH better investment than the old theatrical counterparts and is perhaps the greatest DVD purchase one will likely ever make.

A lot "Director's Cut" scenes are usually just added footage that doesn't do a whole lot to add onto the theatrical edition of movies with examples like Star Wars, Manhunter, or even most of the "Aliens" movies as well. The extra material is just that, extras, that wouldn't kill me to never see again.

It's a totally different story altogether with the "Lord Of The Rings" movies altogether. While the regular theatrical editions were mind-blowing, the extended cuts of the same films do wonders in fleshing out the story and expanding the characters a lot more. Several characters that were not...
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Jaws (Blu-ray + DVD + Digital Copy + UltraViolet)

5 stars and the dvd is a bargain
Well, I bought the DVD dts and I think you'll like the extras such as the outtakes, deleted scenes, and especially an excellent documentary. You'll get the behind the scenes from Spielberg, the actors, photographers, and the producers. In today's film world this movie could be made rather easily, but back then you'll see the tremendous undertaking that went into this production. The movie itself, of course, is just amazing. At one point Spielberg says that the shark is the star, but the scenes on the boat will show you 3 stars at the top of their game. The sound quality is outstanding and exact, but I do have one complaint.... on the 5.1 DTS their isn't much activity from the back 2 speakers. The sound coming from the front 3 is great, but they could have done more. This movie is just as suspenseful as when I saw it in the mid-seventies. I hadn't really watched it in awhile and I had forgotten the outstanding acting performances by Scheider, Dreyfuss, and Shaw...
Finally On DVD
Jaws was Stephen Spielberg's first hit and after his initial reluctance to release his movies on DVD, it finally makes its DVD debut. We all know the story, a great white shark terrorizes the waters off of Amity Island. The movie is based on Peter Benchey's best-selling novel. This is one of the rare instances where a movie is actually better than the book it was based on. In Mr. Benchey's novel, there is are some extraneous sections such as an affair between Ellen Brody and Hooper that really don't add to the story. The movie streamlines the book and the changes made bringing it to the screen actually improve on the book. The performances of three stars are superb. Roy Scheider plays Chief Brody as an everyman. We can all relate with him as he is just trying do his job and the right thing but is caught in the middle. He wants to close the beaches to catch the shark, but the people he is protecting want them opened as the water is the source of their livelihoods...
JAWS Dazzles on Blu-Ray
The original summer blockbuster, Steven Spielberg's JAWS quickly became my favorite film growing up, having devoured it on VHS and on ABC's Sunday Night Movie presentation (the one with the added footage) so many times I could recite dialogue before I was out of grade school. Over the years I've been able to see it on the big screen (thanks to a visit with Lukas on Martha's Vineyard back in `96 or so), but despite that - and having reviewed numerous laserdisc and DVD releases over the years - only now with Universal's Blu-Ray edition do I feel like I've really, completely seen "Jaws." This is a spectacular HD presentation on every level and is sure to thrill fans of this classic 1975 screen adaptation of Peter Benchley's bestseller.

There's not much I can say about the movie that hasn't been written or documented - from behind-the-scenes books to countless documentaries - since the film's 1975 release date. Spielberg's miraculous direction took advantage of every difficult...
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Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Star Trek: Original Motion Picture Collection (Star Trek I, II, III, IV, V, VI + The Captain's Summit Bonus Disc) [Blu-ray]

I've actually seen what I review!!!
I'm floored by the number of reviews here that give this a 1 star review, and then state that they haven't seen the movies. If you actually compare the picture quality with these new BDs to previous DVDs, you do see a vast improvement. Star Trek II, III, and IV have more consistant color and detail then what I saw in the DVDs. In previous editions of ST III, I always noticed an upped contrast in comparison to II and IV: but in this set, it's in line with all the other movies. There seems to be a lot of rumors here about what "Digitally Restored" is over "Digitally Remastered" (as TWOK was the only to get "Digitally Restored"). A digital restoration is when it's accessed that there has to be a new edit of the film due to the state of the print (it could be going in and adjusting color levels for consistancy or even digitally painting out blemishes). It seems Paramount found TWOK to be the only movie in need of a restoration: when you see the other movies on a HDTV, you can easily...
There's Only ONE Captain of The Enterprise!
"Mr. Sulu, Impulse power."

I thought this might help, as there is very little info from Amazon on this product. This review is mostly for the content of this STANDARD DEFINITION 7 Disc ORIGINAL MOTION PICTURE COLLECTION Box Set released Sept. 22, 2009.

Obviously, these are the 6 Original Paramount films with the Original Series cast.


Every film in this set is the Original Widescreen Theatrical Version. The 7th Bonus Disc is THE CAPTAINS' SUMMIT. A 70 minute round table discussion with William Shatner, Leonard Nimoy, Patrick Stewart, Jonathan Frakes, and host Whoopi Goldberg.

Each Movie Disc includes commentaries, a few short Special Features, and NO theatrical trailers. The Insert Card states: 2 1/2 hours of Special Features. My guess is that they're leftovers from the...
A Pleasant Surprise
Having just gone through my set of the Blu-Rays, I'm very happily surprised at the content. The only aspect keeping this from being a 4 or 5 star review is the fact that only the theatrical versions are available. Blu-Ray is specifically made to hold a great deal more data than any prior video or DVD format. Aside from the issues regarding the new effects of the director's cut of TMP, there's little reason (other than monetary) for Paramount to hold back the extended cuts. Seamless branching, used so successfully on the TOS first season set, would work equally well here.

The Motion Picture is another story, since the new effects were rendered for lower resolution and it will take time and, of course, money to rerender them. We can expect to see a Director's Edition release on BD in the near future, I'm sure. However, this does not excuse the lack of the inclusion of the extended TV cut put out on video.

Having said that, it is an amazing thrill having the...
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Jack the Giant Slayer (Blu-ray/DVD + UltraViolet Digital Copy Combo Pack)

Lots of Fun
Here's a new take on an old tale. Rated PG-13 and directed by Bryan Singer ("X-Men"), this "Jack and the Beanstalk" is well cast, visually exciting, and lots of fun. Computer Generated Imaging has made fantasy stories more and more fantastical; this one is mind-boggling.

We admire:
* Nicholas Hoult ("Warm Bodies") is resourceful and resolute as Jack, the nice young man who drops a magic bean and... "Uh oh," gets it WET. Later, as he clambers up that amazing beanstalk, he admits he "doesn't much like heights."
* Eleanor Tomlinson ("Alice in Wonderland") is Isabel, an adventurous princess who finds waaaay more adventure than she bargained for.
* Ian McShane ("Deadwood") is the king, ready to marry off his daughter to a much older man in order to achieve peace with a neighboring kingdom. But he pitches right in when his kingdom is under attack.
* Stanley Tucci ("The Hunger Games") makes the perfect bridegroom/villain: ambitious, ruthless and cruel...
This film is fee-fi-fo-FUN - but a little bit too scary for little children...
I liked this film and together with my 12 years old daughter we spend a nice moment watching it. It is however definitely not recommended to little children, like 10 and younger. This review contains limited SPOILERS.

This retelling of old tale of Jack and the Beanstalk is pretty well done, with many key ingredients of fairy tales well in place. There is a brave and ultimately quite clever farm boy (Jack), a cute and quite likeable damsel in distress, a noble king, his brave knights, a vilainous treacherous scoundrel, powerful magic items, a really REALLY BAD giant alpha (and beta) and a whole batallion of other giants, almost as dangerous as their two-headed leader.

Past the first 10 minutes, the film is rather quick paced and visually it is very pleasant: the sky domain of giants, the giant beanstalks and the mighty royal fortress are really impressive. The desperate fight of royal army against the giants besieging the great royal castle is a particularly well...
ENDING MOVIES WITH BIG BATTLES... isn't always the most interesting choice
Rumored that "Jack" was doomed to flop, you may assume that going into the film that it may be terrible. That isn't the case. It was just an expensive film to make, approximately $190 million. Based on the fact, that Warner Brothers Studios has numerous movies ("Harry Potter", "Dark Knight", "The Hobbit") in its pocket that will make up for whatever loss, if any, "Jack" sustains, you should not weep for them. Although, you may consider whether or not to take the time to go see it in theaters or get the bluray/DVD.

Why not! It's a fun movie. Not to mention, it is one of those rare movies that anybody in the family can watch and enjoy. There are some dark moments in the film and some mildly scary moments, but it's all fun. We all know the story of Jack and the Beanstalk and now, with today's incredible technology, we can see this fairy tale, mostly imagined up to this point, in vivid 3-D and live action or CG action.

Director Bryan Singer knows a thing or two about...
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Shaun of the Dead / Hot Fuzz Double Feature [Blu-ray]

Get the US Universal Edtion, Not the Canadian Alliance set!
Just wanted to give a heads up to fans of these films that the US blu-ray set which was released in June of 2013 does in fact contain the two films on 2 individual discs with all the special features intact. Widescreen. I got this yesterday and it is awesome. It even has a little flyer inside announcing The World's End, the third film in this "trilogy" which is scheduled to hit theatres in August of 2013. Reviews of the inferior Alliance Canadian release have been mixed into this item listing, which is the one everyone's complaining about. Avoid that version and get Universal's to ensure you're getting the real deal. Cornettos for all!
Two seperate discs: all extras included
The first two in the amazing Blood & Ice Cream trilogy (w/ the third being The World's End).
First, a few reviews mention that the product is two movies on a single disc w/ no extras. I received two discs in one jewel case, all extras included.
Second, these movies are utter classics. Wright, Pegg and Frost can do no wrong. This is a downright steal at this price.
Great Service
I ordered this movie for my zombie obsessed husband. The double feature was a hit and the seller shipped the package to me ASAP before Christmas. Would recommend to a friend!
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Inception (Two-Disc Edition) [Blu-ray]

Are you looking for ALL the special features?
If you want to read a review of the film itself, just google "inception review" and take your pick. Ebert gave it four stars. Do you really want to read yet another Amazon user's opinion? This review is for people who already know they want the film, but are wondering which edition to buy.

If you're only interested in the film, buy whichever one you can find cheapest. There is not currently an extended edition or director's cut available. If, however, you're interested in the special features, you're sort of between a rock and a hard place. Here's why:

1. The single-disc Blu-ray edition has a pathetic 12 minutes of special features--the same ones included on the single-disc DVD edition, and they're not even in high-def.

2. The "two-disc" Blu-Ray edition is actually three discs: two Blu-rays and one DVD. If you see it listed as "two-disc" some places and "three-disc" or "combo pack" others, they're the same thing. The first Blu-ray is the film along...
"Life could be a dream..."
On the surface Inception seems to be a crime caper, complete with master of disguise Eames (Tom Hardy), planner Aridane (Ellen Page), point man Arthur (Joseph Gordon-Levitt), and master thief Cobb (Leonardo DiCaprio). But it's so much more than that, taking place in dreams within dreams within dreams.

Inception, like Total Recall and The Matrix, is about perception. The audience is never sure what reality is because the protagonist isn't sure what's real. There are clues providing evidence for the real/not real theories, but the best movies of this type don't come down on one side or another. Total Recall ultimately had enough clues indicating the "right" way. The Matrix stumbled after it made it clear that reality was fiction, thereby losing an audience who enjoyed the tantalizing mystery. Like so many mysteries, once the truth was revealed it wasn't quite as exciting as we all hoped. Inception wisely avoids providing answers.

Inception is also a thought...
A Dream, Within a Dream, Within a Dream...

I just finished watching Inception for the second time. The Blu-ray is amazing. The PQ and AQ are perfect in every way. I did notice that the video was not as sharp, crisp, or clear as The Dark Knight. However it was very, very good. The audio is very bass heavy, but is up there with some of the best Blu-ray AQ I have heard. The movie was stunning all the way through and after another watch it is just as good if not better than the first time I watched it.

The special features are great. Disc two is full of behind the scenes and a dream documentary by Joseph Gordon-Levitt. On the first disc there is expansion mode which takes you behind the scenes and shows you each special effects scene and all which went into creating it. It is really interesting to watch. Very little CGI special effects were used on this film. They actually did most of the stunts or build huge models. It was really cool to watch.


I went into Inception...
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The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey (Extended Edition) (Blu-ray 3D + Blu-ray + UltraViolet)

Wait until Chrismas 2013
Almost clicked the order button, but due to my love of the extended versions of the original trilogy, I decided to do a little research before I made that mistake. in doing so, I discovered that the Blue-Ray/DVD set for release on March 19th will contain only the theatrical version of the movie. Warner Bros is including a teaser trailer containing Dragon Smaug with this version in order to entice people to buy it. The extended version of 'The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey' will be released in time for Christmas 2013. As with the Lord of the Rings Trilogy, Warner Bros. is trying to stick it to the consumer again by hoping people will buy both versions. Sorry, WB... I can wait another nine months. In the meantime, I'll rent a copy to satisfy my urge to see it sooner.
The Hobbit Amazon Exclusive Extended Edition
Since Amazon doesn't list the release date (11/05/13) or have the special features detailed, here you go:

-The Filmmakers' Commentary - Director/writer/producer Peter Jackson and writer/co-producer Philippa Boyens provide their perspective and stories on creating the first film.

-New Zealand: Home of Middle-Earth - From Matamata to Queenstown, travel with Peter Jackson and his team across the stunning locations of New Zealand, transformed by the filmmakers into Middle-Earth.

-The Appendices Part 7: A Long-Expected Journey - A 14-part chronological history of the filming of An Unexpected Journey, covering pre-production in the various departments of the film in the months leading up to the start of principal photography, the boot camp training for the main cast, and the work done on set chronologically through the three shooting blocks and in the world of its digital effects. Chapters include:

*The Journey Back to Middle-Earth
What we can expect in the EXTENDED EDITION.

1. More of DALE, including the BLACK ARROWS. Director Peter Jackson mentions a previously unseen character: "Girion, who is defending [the city of] Dale using black arrows against Smaug. And the black arrows play a part in an ongoing story, for they are the one thing that can pierce the dragon's hide."

2. More king of the wood elves; THRANDUIL. Peter Jackson: "There are also issues with Thranduil. We get some of the reason why he and the dwarves had a falling out - to do with these white gems..."

3. More of HOBBITON. Producer Phillipa Boyens: "You are going to get more of Hobbiton. We always wanted to wend our way through Hobbiton, but in the end Bilbo has to run out of the door."

4. The OLD TOOK'S PARTY: In which we see a younger Gandalf meet Bilbo Baggins as a young child, convincing the wizard of the young hobbit's bravery and courage. I won't spoil it for you, but it involves a dragon and a bit...
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G.I. Joe: Retaliation (Blu-ray / DVD / Digital Copy +UltraViolet)

Don't have high expectations, entertaining
I don't get the low reviews on this, people complaining about the story and the acting...? I saw the first one, so my expectations for this were low. I went into this expecting to see over-the-top action, corny lines, and explosions. The movie delivered. If you want deep storyline and meaningful conversations, then you should go see another flick. If you want to see people get blown up, then watch this.
Just. Plain. Fun...
Let's be clear that "G.I. Joe: Retaliation" is an action movie based on a comic book and a toy action figure. It features virtually non-stop action, some terrific special effects, and a comic book plot. This is not "Patton" or "The Ten Commandments" or even "Die Hard." It is a fun, no-brainer movie in which the good guys eventually win and the bad guys eventually lose, but some of the bad guys escape to set up the next movie.

As the movie opens, the GI Joes, an elite American special operations combat unit, are in action, securing some loose Pakistani nuclear weapons from insurgents in a superb action sequence inside a military facility. However, the Joes are framed by the President, who is really an impersonator planted by the terrorist organization Cobra. The fake President sends a military strike after the Joes, wiping out the unit. The Cobra organization liberates its imprisoned leader and executes its clever plan to take over the world.

Gi Joe Retaliation 3D Review
This 3D review is intended for those with 3DTVs and/or fans of 3D.

GI Joe Retaliation was originally meant to be released during summer 2012, but was delayed till March 29, 2013 to be converted into 3D. So did they have enough time to make the 3D worth our time and frustration (of GI Joe fans) having to wait even longer to see the movie in theaters?

Absolutely. The 3D is very powerfully rendered in GI Joe Retaliation. This is not a half baked 3D effort as many of the earlier, hurried 3D conversions of films like Clash of the Titans' poor 3D. The 3D here offers unexpectedly outstanding dimension and depth in many of the cool action scenes, coupled with a generous amount of pop outs. It's been said the Snake Eyes scene was noteworthy (with Snake Eyes portrayed on the Blu Ray 3D cover), and indeed it is as the 3D gives that scene depth the likes of which are rarely seen in conversions. Thankfully the rest of the movie holds up well in 3D.

3D Overall:...
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The Right Stuff (30th Anniversary Edition) [Blu-ray]

The Greatest American Epic
The fact that "The Right Stuff" lost the Oscar for best picture to "Terms Of Endearment" is beyond me; this movie should have won. The fact that it wasn't a hit at the box office back in 1983 is also beyond me. We are talking about what I think it's the best American epic in all the sense of the word.
It's strange that a Venezuelan-born like me should talk about a movie like this, but I feel that "The Right Stuff" should have been a classic -well, it is for me. The story of the "Mercury" astronauts is portrayed marvelously by Philip Kaufman's direction, showcased beautifully by Caleb Deschanel's stylish photography, and supported by an incredible cast including Scott Glenn, Ed Harris, Barbara Hershey, Sam Shepard, Pamela Reed, Kim Stanley, and Veronica Cartwright.
In fact, I remember when I was watching that movie at home, and my late father asked me if a man that appeared on the screen was astronaut John Glenn because he looked...
Pushing the Envelope of Space!
'The Right Stuff' is one of the most glorious adventure films ever made, a story of incredible heroism, poignant romance, gripping drama, and broad humor...and amazingly, it has actually happened in our lifetimes!

This is a tale of test pilots, 'pushing the envelope', proving the sound barrier couldn't constrain mankind's reach for space. Leading the way is plain-speaking Chuck Yeager (portrayed by Sam Shepard with Gary Cooper-like charm), a Beeman's gum-chewing cowboy with a passion for his feisty wife (the beautiful Barbara Hershey), and hot planes. Not even a broken rib could hold him back when an opportunity to fly the X-1 was offered. His record-breaking flight could fill a movie by itself...and this is just the BEGINNING of the story!

Jumping ahead a few years, Yeager is joined by a new breed of test pilots, whose total love of flight challenges their relationships, and is the true measure of how they define themselves. Among them are 'Gordo' Cooper (Dennis...
It takes more than rocket fuel to attain escape velocity
Weighing in at three+ hours, "The Right Stuff" gives us a fantastic insight into the embryonic stages of humanity's journey into space. It is a personal disappointment to me that our species hasn't done more with the opportunities that space travel has given us.

Based on Tom Wolfe's history of the space program, the film takes us through the early stages of American space exploration. It starts with Yeager's historic speed record when he broke the sound barrier and finishes at the end of the Mercury program. For this reason I think "Apollo 13" makes a good sequel to "The Right Stuff" as it concerns itself with the subsequent Apollo program.

The cast is outstanding and they mostly offer strong performances. For much of the film Sam Shepard gets center stage in his role as Chuck Yeager. However since Yeager was never allowed the opportunity to join the space program the second half of the film focuses on the seven...
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Monday, October 28, 2013

Kick-Ass 2 (Blu-ray + DVD + Digital Copy + UltraViolet)

"Kick Ass 2" Has More Heart And More Action"
Comics Books, Graphic Novels and more are coming to life it seems like once a month these days. In this sequel, "Kick Ass 2" written and directed by Jeff Wadlow (Never Back Down, Cry Wolf) this film picks up were the first film left you with a newly banded `super hero' team of basically regular people fed up with the US Justice system, which is made up of kids and and vigilantes banded together to protect their city.

The super hero `Kick Ass' is back with more motivation than ever to be as good as his best super hero friend (Hit Girl) and is again performed by Aaron-Taylor Johnson (Savage, The Illusionist) who does a great job of showing his angst, ambition and eventual confusion at a major crisis that is forced upon him. His father played by Steven Mackintosh (Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels, Underworld: Evolution) tries to convince him, with a lot of passion and conviction, of doing the right thing but it all eventually leads to one of them making the ultimate...
Kick Ass 2
After hearing all the negative comments about this movie I was hesitant to go to the Theater and watch this film. I enjoyed Kick Ass a lot so I dragged myself to go see Kick Ass 2....And I'm Glad I did! I'm sure everyone has their own reasons for disliking this movie but I thought it was Great. The characters are older and let me just say this..Hit Girl is AWESOME! She's my favorite character and Kick Ass has been working out!! He looks Great, too. I'm not a big Jim Carrey Fan but he did very well in this role. I'm not sure which Kick Ass movie I like better? But, I own the first one and I'm definitely going to own the second one. I can't wait for Kick Ass 3, The Final Installment to see where all this ends? As long as Hit Girl and Kick Ass stay alive it's all good.
Every bit as good as the first
I received an invite to this movie from Universal and rearranged my schedule to make sure I could get to the theater early enough. I arrived with about two hours to wait and there were about 40 people already ahead of me so I knew I was going to get into the movie. Let me just start by saying, it was well worth the wait if you're a fan of the original.

Let me say right now there are spoilers in this review so don't read it if you don't want to know any of this.

Obviously most of you are aware that Chris D'Amico / Red Mist is the Main villain in this film but, he's taken on a new identity known as The Mother F****r and his getup consists of his mom's old bondage outfit. Well his main goal is to make Kick-Ass pay for blowing his dad up. Of course, his mom is holding back his ambitions so, he had to kill her to get her out of the way; once that's done, he begins to form his evil posse known as the Toxic Mega C**ts.

Kick-Ass approaches Hit Girl about...
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Olympus Has Fallen (Two Disc Combo: Blu-ray / DVD + UltraViolet Digital Copy)

When this comes out in DVD, I will be purchasing.
I wasn't really sure what to expect when I went to this movie. The decent action flicks of yesterday have been replaced by superheroes shooting space aliens or super gory, gross movies that are so hardcore they turn me off before I ever get past the trailer. But this movie takes you back to the really cool action thrillers of yesteryear and frankly, I was riveted throughout.

The action is non stop and the acting is superb, especially for this type of movie. I had never seen Gerard Butler in a movie before but from now on, he is on my watch list. His portrayal of Mike Banning is gritty and down to earth, never over the top. Aaron Eckhart does a very good job with the rather thankless role of the Hostage In Chief. He, too, never stoops to caricature; just a man faced with a horrifying situation. Morgan Freeman and Angela Bassett are solid and realistic as the Speaker of the House and the Director of the Secret Service. Rick Yune is a absolute chiller of a villain...
Olympus Has Fallen Review
Best action movie of the year.
Even though the White House is a very unlikely site for the plot, it is not an unlikely story in view of the latest and older
developments in the recent history of the US.
Edge of your seat action, does not let off for a single minute. You will definitely never get bored.
Exciting, Edge of Your Seat (with some flaws)
This movie is fantastic for these people:

- You like the film concept of a foreign government capturing the President inside the White House, with a single hero (as in Die Hard) who tries to save the day (and the world) - against all odds.

- You're looking for an exciting, heart pounding, non-stop action flick.

- You like movies with lots of explosions, surprises, and situations that look really impossible.

- You don't care if there are some things about this film that are a bit cliché. They can work in films. And you're just looking for some entertainment anyway.

- You're okay with a character theme that's been done before. There's some time taken to show you the woundedness of Gerard Butler's character, and some of what makes him tick. It's not a new theme. You've seen this before. But you're ok with that.

This movie is not for you if:

- You can't stand cliché's in movies.
- You're...
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Life of Pi [Blu-ray 3D]

"Which story do you prefer?" A film review from a literary perspective
Wow, this has been an exciting fall for literary adaptations! I read Yann Martel's Life of Pi a decade ago and thought it was fantastic storytelling. I cheered when it won the Man Booker Prize. So, I was quite excited to attend an advance screening recently with several members of my book group. I remembered the novel quite well in broad strokes, but not the fine detail. I didn't refresh my memory before watching the film, but was curious enough to reread Life of Pi in its entirety before writing this review. The film is very true to the novel in spirit and tone, but there are small changes, additions (generally positive), and elisions (some noteworthy).

The film opens similarly to the novel. The idea is the same, but the execution is slightly different. Different mediums require different storytelling tools. For instance, I believe most film-goers will readily recognize The Writer (portrayed by actor Rafe Spall, who replaced a distractingly famous Toby Maguire) as...
Beauty and Spirit, Both Beyond Words
This may be the hardest movie review I've ever written, somehow words don't
express it quite right ...

To begin, I saw Life of Pi in 3-D. A week later I went back and saw it again,
because I don't foresee having another chance. I expect the color and detail
will remain gorgeous in 2-D, and I definitely intend to buy the disc.

However the 3-D in this movie is spectacular. The tiger, Richard Parker, is
at the top of the list, but in fact the entire movie benefits tremendously
from 3-D. If you liked Avatar, you probably liked the marvelous animals.
And I'm sure in some scenes, Richard Parker is CGI'd to some extent. But
Life of Pi has a real earthly animal to work with, and you can argue there
is no animal on earth more beautiful or fierce than a tiger. That's part
of the genius of this movie, and I'm sure one reason James Cameron liked
it so much.

That brings me to another point about this movie, its...
A must-see masterpiece of the beauty of being alive
Ang Lee's "Life of Pi" is a masterpiece with some of the most beautiful and unforgettable images ever displayed on film. Not only did it give me an experience of the wonder in being alive while moving me to tears, but its story also encompassed a human life from childhood to mature age while dealing with pain and guilt that are part of the human experience.

Ang Lee isn't thought of as an Asian auteur in the class of Wong Kar-wai, Zhang Yimou or Lee Chang-dong. He's actually more of a commercial director than a personal artist, but what he does in transferring the "Life of Pi" from novel to screen is miraculous. Perhaps no director has ever captured the beauty and fear of the power of life, and when you look deep into the eyes of the tiger "Richard Parker", you see what Marlowe saw in Kurtz's eyes in Conrad's "The Heart of Darkness": a power so vast it dwarfs you with an awareness of your mortality, showing you your insignificance beside the powers of all life. What Ang...
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R.I.P.D. (Blu-ray + DVD + Digital Copy + UltraViolet)

The Dude kicks butt
This movie will not win any Oscars, I would guess, but it's a heck of a lot of fun.

Jeff Bridges was great, and It's nice to see a female star who is played as just smart, attractive and solidly in control rather than a brainless bimbo.

Ryan Reynolds does a solid job too. Great special effects.

I'd say a cross between Dead Like me and Men In Black.

Don't listen to the critics, this film was a blast to watch.
This Review Contains No Spoilers
I haven't read all the negative reviews, but I'm surprised that more people are not giving this movie 4 or 5 stars. I thought it was great. Jeff Bridges and Mary Louis Parker have great chemistry. Ryan Reynolds? I tend to agree with the reviewer who wrote that Reynolds just did not seem right for this movie. R.I.P.D is obviously a take on the Men-In-Black movies, but who cares? How many movies are its own version of Die Hard? The movie has plenty of action, and it also has some very funny scenes. I about lost it when Jeff Bridges describes what a coyote did to his skull after he died--and that's all I'm saying. Just know it's one of the funniest movie moments ever!! R.I.P.D is approximately 90 minutes long. I appreciated there were no scenes where I found myself wishing things would move on. It's a fun movie with lots of action, mostly good acting, and a sci-fi plot that was not overly far-fetched. Go watch it. You'll be glad you did.
Un-Dead Cops? Really? C'mon!
"Un-dead police officers?" Really? C'mon! This PG-13 action-fest once again had me scanning my mental Thesaurus... Absurd? Ludicrous? Preposterous? Ridiculous? Outrageous? Goofy? Hilarious? I think you get the picture. If you've seen the ads you know a recently slain cop joins a team of undead police officers in the Rest In Peace Department.

This goofy comedy, written by Phil Hay/Matt Manfridi ("Clash of the Titans") and directed by Robert Schwentke ("Red") is a sure-fire winner, full of action, comedy and Computer Generated Imaging. I freely admit that there were times things got too, too silly and my interest faltered, but then the story rallied again.

We watch:
* Jeff Bridges ("Hearts of the West") is Roy, wearing a Buffalo Bill beard and mumbling like he has a lower lip full of chewing tobacco; he's an old-time lawman on the third sixty-year extension of his assignment.
* Marisa Miller (Victoria's Secret model) in her slinky gold dress, is Roy's...
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Arrow: The Complete First Season [Blu-ray]

Wow. I Am Impressed
I had low expectations when I decided to download the pilot episode. After the utter failure of 'The Cape' and other superhero TV shows ruined with poor acting, poor action and plots that could have been written by a 10 year old, who can blame me for expecting Arrow to be another loser. However, I actually came away impressed ... and I am not that easily impressed.

First, the selection of Stephen Amell as Green Arrow was excellent. I was worried the role would go to a male model more concerned with being pretty than being a hardened man on a mission. With Stephen Amell as Green Arrow you get a guy who comes off more as an MMA fighter, which makes Arrow so much more believable. The action scenes are crisp and effective. Arrow starts out with grit and has an edgy quality that keeps you interested. The plot contains plenty of room for mystery and the dialogue/acting is pretty good. It makes no difference if you are a Green Arrow fan or not, this show is about enjoying a...
This show justs gets better and better!
I love, love, love this show. Such a nice change from the usual mostly meh kind of shows many of the networks are churning out like the mindless so called "reality" shows that I refuse to watch. Way to go CW-this is a winner.
Not your average superhero fan
First let me say, I probably skew the demographics on superhero TV and movies. I am a 52 year-old woman, and have loved the science fiction and superhero genres since I was 12. I love the X-men movies (all of them), most of the Batman movies, the first Iron Man movie,not crazy about Superman (too goody-goody for me, I like 'em dark!). I'm a faithful fan of the excellent Grimm, and the sometimes over-the-top Once Upon A Time. I even enjoy watching some of the animated Spiderman and others with my grandson (LOVE the Di-gata Defenders!). The best ones are archetypes, resonating in the soul.

That said, my review:

This series is really well-done, the cast is exceptionally strong considering their lack of fame, the acting is well above average for the genre, and particularly for a television series. It's dark, often creepy (but not so much that I wouldn't let a nine- or ten-year-old watch it), plenty of action, with a wonderfully believable set of characters. Stephen...
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Sunday, October 27, 2013

2 Guns (Blu-ray + DVD + Digital Copy + UltraViolet)

Fun and Involving
So these two guys are gonna rob a bank...This is sort of a Spy vs Spy, as two undercover agents from two different government organizations, neither of whom knows of the other's link to his real employer, rob a bank together, only to discover they have been set there is waaaaay more money than they expect. $43.125M!

Directed by Baltasar Kormákur ("The Deep" one of my favorites from the 2013 Seattle International Film Festival) and written by Blake Masters (Lots of TV) based on Boom Studio's graphic novels, this is fun all the way, with enough comedy to keep ME happy and enough action to entertain the screening audience.

We enjoy:
* Denzel Washington ("Flight") is Bobby, the steady, focused DEA guy whose patience is sorely taxed by his gabby sidekick.
* Mark Wahlberg ("Broken City") is Stig, an ebullient (and very funny) Naval Intelligence he's a GREAT shot!
* Paula Patton ("Disconnect") plays Deb, the beauty...
Entertaining buddy movie and action flick
"2 Guns" (2013 release; 109 min.) reunites director Baltasar Kormákur with Mark Wahlberg (they previously teamed up on another enjoyable crime action movie called "Contraband"), and for good measure Denzel Washington is brought along to co-star. The plot is pretty convoluted, and I don't spoil anything when I simply say that you shouldn't accept anyone being who they say they are. Apart from that, everyone is chasing $41.125 million in drug money.

Several comments: first, once in a while I need to see a great action movie, and this one certainly lives up to its billing. As the movie opens we see the characters played by Washington and Wahlberg observing a bank which they've decided to rob, from across the street in a diner. Some funny back-and-forth banter between the two ensues but before you know it we are in the middle of the hold-up, and its aftermath. Second, almost more important than the actual plot is the writing of the movie. The script is sharp from that...
This Will Rock You!
Fun, action, laughs and good times role in 2 GUNS. Denzel Washington and Mark Wahlberg are mesmerizing in this buddy movie extravaganza. There is never a dull moment. 2 GUNS truly rocks. Director Baltasar Kormákur gave us Mark Wahlberg in CONTRABAND in awesome sleeper of a movie. Kormákur outdoes himself here with Washington and Wahlberg. They seem like naturals in this film. Yes, I recommend it. This will rock you!
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White House Down (Two Disc Combo: Blu-ray / DVD + UltraViolet Digital Copy)

Die Hard for a new Generation!
I had the opportunity to see this movie as a screener tonight and I was hesitant about going... I had tickets for both World War Z and White House Down this week but, I knew I could only go to one so I played the odds and managed to get in on the showing.

Let me say that this is a Hollywood propaganda piece for sure and yes it mostly tries to paint the Right Wing as a war machine run by Radicals who sleep with their guns. Honestly, I'm neither a Republican nor a Democrat and I have yet to actually cast my vote for a man whose won the white house (yes I seem to have bet on guys that didn't win) but, I go to movies for an escape from reality and Hollyweird needs to get away from the political BS.

Okay, with all that out of the way, John Cale (Played by Channing Tatum) is a man on security detail for the Speaker of the House and he's trying to get back into his daughter's life while interviewing for a job in the Secret Service. One thing leads to another and he...
Yippee ki-yay Martha Washington!
Seriously, folks. If it wasn't incredibly obvious from the previews this is another PG-13 Die Hard with a different protagonist. It's got all the hilarious quotable quips, loud explosions, elevator climbing, crashing, bullet-flying, popcorn action you'd expect. It's smartly written, well-acted, and entertaining from beginning to end. Is it ridiculous? Absolutely. Is it silly? Very. It's absolutely what you want and expect from a Die Hard movie. It's also the most likable Channing Tatum and and Jamie Foxx have ever been in my opinion (yes, I actually sat through Step Up, She's the Man, Ray, and Stealth, slightly more traumatized with each new film).

If you are expecting Independence Day or Stargate levels of over-the-top sci-fi battle-royale-with-cheese you will be disappointed. If you just want a rollicking good time with a Die Hard flick set in the White House you're probably going to love this movie. It doesn't have a SINGLE annoying character and I actually laughed at...
Very Entertaining
I went to see this movie with my husband and was pleasantly surprised. Although I like both of these actors, action films with political themes do not usually hold my interest...however, this film kept moving, kept twisting and turning...held my interest to the end. I know that some of the situations were a little far fetched, but who cares? I wanted to see something that would take my mind off of everyday situations and this film did just that! It had comedy, suspense, and action...I sooooo enjoyed this movie and will buy it on the release date.
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Man of Steel Collector's Edition (Blu-ray 3D + Blu-ray + DVD +UltraViolet Combo Pack)

Man of Steel...
Let me say right away that I am fan, so if you imagine that there may be some bias about this film, you'll be right. As much as I enjoy the work done by Zack Snyder and Christopher Nolan I am, first and foremost, a fan of Superman the character. Beyond the super powers and god like awe that surrounds the character, he is inherently a symbol for the potential good of the human race. He represents the best of both his worlds and acts as a guide for others. Superman is often referred to as the "constant boy scout". It's easier to understand when you truly see the kind of temperament and control he exhibits on a nearly constant basis. When faced with adversity how easy would it be for him to destroy his opponent in the blink of an eye, and yet he refrains from doing so. He is a symbol for all that we can achieve, good and bad. In some ways he is the embodiment of hope; hope for the future, hope for the world, and hope in our own personal lives. So, when I say that I am a fan I...
Nolan Plot and Snyder Action Makes for the Best Movie This Year
The "Man of Steel" movie is both action and plot heavy, dealing with complex spiritual issues as well as what it means to be human. On the other hand, the action is heavy-handed, with punches, bullets, and other weaponry being thrown at people on a regular basis. This combination of depth and intensity creates a powerful film, both visually as well as in theme. The performance of the story was breathtaking. As expected, the visuals were stunning; the special effects were phenomenally crisp and the scope of the camera was often wide, presenting the scenery itself as a spectacle. The acting was exceptional as well. Shannon's Zod was angry, driven, and resourceful, everything a good soldier is meant to be. His lines were powerful and his intentions and thoughts were practically visible on his face as he acted. Cavill's Superman also performed exceptionally. Each line was delivered with honesty to the character. His part was not really dialogue heavy, but his role was emotionally...
Man as a human, of Steel as a Hero
Good movie. It's not only about comic book heroes anymore. It's just like with Batman Begins. How would the real world deal to if aliens might finally be among us. Man of Steel is not about spandex heroes with superpowers any more. It's about humanity, power, responsibilty and how to deal with all of it. There is a lot to think and discuss about after watching this movie, and that's exactly what you do after you saw any good film that is not just a popcorn movie.

Now, how are the filmmakers going to up the ante for a sequel. Well, it is not about upping it anymore. To understand why, you must read this review from a clear perspective. This film, just like all of Nolan's previous ones, is not only about flashy visuals but more bout it's content and how we react to that content. That's why the Nolan - Snyder team up is the perfect marriage to present the new Man of Steel.

Clark Kent is what he is because of his alien heritage AND his parents rising. He's Clark...
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The Dark Knight Trilogy (Batman Begins / The Dark Knight / The Dark Knight Rises) [Blu-ray]

Just want the Trilogy? This is for you
■■ Just a Heads-Up, Amazon has merged reviews for The Dark Knight Trilogy, and the Dark Knight Trilogy Ultimate Collector's Edition (UCE). This is a review for just the Dark Knight Trilogy. I also have a review for the UCE which can also be found here:
Disregard all the naysayers claiming this is a money grab. No, it's called having a choice. Not everyone wants the Super Duper Ultra Rare Limited Collector's Edition, that's often filled with a bunch of useless physical items. Some people just want to have the trilogy and nothing more. For $30 (currently), you get just that, and even a little bit more.

You get the following in the Blu-ray edition:

Disc 1: Batman Begins Feature Film
Disc 2: The Dark Knight Feature Film
Disc 3: The Dark Knight...
Just got mine in the mail. It does indeed come with UltraViolet copies of all 3 movies!

It also comes with:
A 64 page excerpt from "The Art and Making of The Dark Knight Trilogy."

Batman Begins: 1 disc (Movie and special features together)
The Dark Knight: 2 discs (Movie and special features are separate)
The Dark Knight Rises: 2 discs (Movie and special features are separate)

And a code for discounted memorabilia. I will be posting some pictures soon.

Hope this helps!
A Trilogy That Is Going To Be Hard To Live Up To

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Saturday, October 26, 2013

Game of Thrones: The Complete Second Season (Blu-ray/DVD Combo + Digital Copy)

A Well-Acted, Well-Written Masterpiece.
I am unthinkably lucky. My favorite book series of all time has been turned into one of the best television shows of all time.

And I'm not the only one who thinks so! Critics love it, award shows laud it, and record-breaking millions of viewers are tuning in.

The dialog is superb, flowing with hidden subtext, overt emotion, political posturing, unfortunate truths, na

The Walking Dead: The Complete Second Season [Blu-ray]

Surprised by how much I liked this.
I'm not much for zombie shows or movies of any kind. It's the human aspect of the show that drew me in. What they do, how they survive, the relationships that are made when the basic tenents of society as we know it have been broken down. I'd watch something like that even if there were no zombies. However, the zombies aspect of this show adds a wonderful scary element of danger that can't help but make one wonder what they themselves would do in such a situation. This is a drama. It's people plucked out of every day life and dropped into a new and terrifying world that looks exactly the same. It's about how they survive. It's not meant to be about zombies macking on people for an hour. Though the fact that that could happen does make it interesting. The zombies themselves are disgustingly well done and gross and the gore is quite graphic and realistic. When a zombie bites into someone's neck and rips the flesh free and blood spurts and looks real. There is a...
Get Down With the Sickness
I read the first 12 issues of Robert Kirkman's epic graphic novel The Walking Dead back in 2006. Late fans to the story can now pick up the first 48 issues of the graphic novel in a convenient single work titled The Walking Dead: Compendium One. As of today, Kirkman has published almost 100 issues in the series (that I now anxiously check my mailbox for every month).

What's all that mean? It means that there are years and years of TV seasons ahead if AMC stays the course of excellence that it has so far done in the first two seasons. Why? Because as far as the graphic novel issue-by-issue storyline parallel to the TV series goes, I would guesstimate that the TV series is MAYBE through only about the first dozen issues.

Has the TV series taken some liberties and made changes to the story(ies) presented in the graphic novel? Sure. But are those liberties just as well told as Kirkman originally...
Seen A Lot Of Zombie Crap But This...
Oh man, this show has it all. Have you ever watched a scary show or movie & been screaming at the characters, "what in the hell are you doing man! Don't go off in the dark alone! Don't leave your gun! Moron!!!" Well, this is one of the very first shows where I see people making decisions similar or identical to the ones I would make in the event of a zombie apocolypse. Sounds corny but it is a great show! I think probably my favorite show I've seen in years!
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The Resident Evil Collection (Resident Evil / Resident Evil: Apocalypse / Resident Evil: Extinction / Resident Evil: Afterlife / Resident Evil: Retribution) [Blu-ray]

You know what these movies do right?
They're ridiculous, they know it, and they don't give a damn what you think. In point of fact, they prefer if you don't think.

Let's get one thing straight, I am a huge fan of the game series. I own Resident Evil 1-5, and I'm probably going to buy 6 soon. I am fully aware that these movies deviate from the games in every way, but for some reason I still love them. They're dumb, stupid fun.

Resident Evil is actually a great movie in and of itself. It's suspenseful, and well made. I appreciate the fact that zombies and other monsters aren't introduced till late in the movie.

Resident Evil: Apocalypse is actually my favorite of the bunch. It's a good action movie, and I think they really captured Nemesis. Great movie, and awesome action.

Resident Evil: Extinction is a little slow, but is ultimately a good movie. The story of this series has never been cohesive, but the plot of this one in particular is just ridiculous. At this point the movies...
Resident Evil Collection Contains 5 Films on Blu-ray
Milla Jovovich deserves better treatment. The Resident Evil Collection gives each film its own disc but a bonus disc would have been appreciated by fans. Afterlife is presented in Blu-ray 3D (but not Retribution 3D sold separately). You also get the 2D version of Afterlife for those who don't own 3D TVs. Overall, the picture quality is average but the audio is very good. The audio formats and subtitles vary by film. This set does have some extras but this is not a deluxe collection for RE fans. There is roughly 6 hours of bonus content for 5 films which is good but not great. If you already own the trilogy be aware that nothing new is added so you may consider buying Afterlife 3D and Retribution 3D in their stand-alone Blu-ray releases. These are 4 star films in a 3 star package.
Die hard Resident Evil fan.
Love watching these on Blu Ray, the quality is great, and the sound quality is awesome with a nice home theater setup.
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Lara Croft Tomb Raider: The Cradle of Life [Blu-ray]

Lara Croft in Raiderette of the Lost Pandora's Box
It would be easy to dismiss "Lara Croft Tomb Raider: The Cradle of Life" as being a cross being "Raiders of the Lost Ark" and a James Bond movie except for two things. The first is that there is nothing inherently wrong with combining those two elements, even if the genesis of your character is a series of video games. The second is that despite the overwhelming plot similarities between this second Lara Croft film and the first and third Indiana Jones movies, there are actually things going to with the titular character. We are not talking profound psychological development here, but for an action film there is actually something else going on as well.

The main thing, of course, is the action, which is why the James Bond comparisons are so obvious. An earthquake shakes the Greek island of Santorini and the next thing we know Lara Croft (Angelina Jolie) is on the trail of Pandora's Box. Apparently it was what brought life to Earth and inside it there is one...
A fun & fitting encore
If you liked the first film in the Tomb Raider series, "Cradle of Life" will deliver just as much fun. The sequel begins with artistocratic archeological adventuress Lady Lara Croft (Angelina Jolie) diving off the coast of Greece, where a volcanic eruption has uncovered the fabled Lunar Temple. Within the underwater temple, Lara discovers a mysterious orb. As with many of her tomb raids, however, things soon go awry, and the orb falls into enemy hands.

Representatives of the British intelligence agency MI-5 recruit Lara to retrieve the orb, which Alexander the Great created as a map to Pandora's Box. MI-5 fears that a scientist known for creating biological agents will use a plague contained in Pandora's Box to create weapons of terror. Lara scoffs at MI-5's offer to send agents to assist her, and insists on an assistant of her own choosing--a possibly untrustworthy mercenary (Gerard Butler) who is her former lover. And thus the quest for the orb begins anew.

Once again, Jolie...
LCTR The Cradle of Life - An enormously entertaining film!
While most seem to be either a real big fan of the Lara Croft Tomb Raider movies or someone who despises them, I'll take up the role of a big fan. Just as in the first movie, Angelina Jolie's rendition of Lara Croft is absolutely wonderful. This second film, in what is undoubtedly going to be many, is another great action flick that is enjoyable entertainment from the beginning to the end.

While I only have a vague, passing familiarity with the video games, I can say, without a doubt, that this and the first movie make an enormously enjoyable leap from the pc screen to the silver screen.

Angelina Jolie's performance as Lara Croft, to include her impeccable British accent, is nothing less than stunning. I find it absolutely wonderful to see such a beautiful and agile actress take on the "James Bond" type role and handle it with such seeming ease. While these films won't win her any Oscars, they will indelibly mark her among the tops in action film stars. Gerard...
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The Dark Knight Rises (Blu-ray)

Epic conclusion to Nolan's Batman trilogy
Having been a huge fan of Chris Nolan's previous two Batman films, couldn't wait to watch this when it was released. And The Dark Knight Rises didn't disappoint. The conclusion to the trilogy is fitting for the franchise, for Batman, and for Bruce Wayne (though I have read rumors that Nolan might come back for another film in the series or maybe a Batman/Superman film - hope some of this is true!).

The film starts with a frail Bruce Wayne having pretty much retired and living a private life eight years after he eliminated the Joker. The peaceful Gotham City where police officers feel they will soon be "chasing overdue library books" is rocked by a series of events orchestrated by the ferocious and calculating villain, Bane.

The pace of this film is slightly slower (and heavier) compared to the previous two films, partly because there are a lot more characters in this film, and Nolan being the master storyteller that he is, gives each character enough time in the...
A unique and engaging superhero epic
As someone of the unpopular minority who didn't like Christopher Nolan's previous Batman film 'The Dark Knight' (but really liked 'Batman Begins') I find 'The Dark Knight Rises' a pleasant surprise. It carries a lot of the elements of the first two films, especially TDK's darker tone but manages to off-set it's self-seriousness with a strong story, terrific action-scenes and characters I wanted to root for!

The story of 'The Dark Knight Rises' takes place eight years after the events of 'The Dark Knight' Gotham Ciy is seemingly crime free and the Batman hasn't been seen since (still wanted as a fugitive after the events of TDK). In steps Bane: a super-strong, methodical terrorist leader intent on destroying Gotham and ends up forcing Batman/Bruce Wayne out of retirement. There's a lot of elements at work in this dynamic story (taking obvious influences from the Batman comics Knightfall, No Man's Land and Dark Knight Returns) and the movie's almost 3-hour length is felt, but...
It doesn't quite fit...
After watching this film the first time, I wasn't quite sure what to think of it. I knew it wasn't a bad film, but at the same time it just didn't sit right with me for whatever reason. So I went back and watched Begins and TDK and I think I figured out why I didn't really care for it. In my opinion it doesn't seem to fit with the other two films.

Warning: Some spoilers

First there's the setting. The concept of a broken and retired Batman living as a recluse is interesting, but it seems to sort of contradict what we saw in the other films. We learn that he hasn't been Batman for 8 years since Dent was killed, which made me wonder, why is he in such bad physical shape then? Rewatching The Dark Knight, I didn't see anything to show where these injuries came from. Why is his leg screwed up? The last scene of Dark Knight was him running away from the camera. If he hasn't been Batman since then and has been living like a hermit, how did he screw up his leg? Also, why...
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Fantastic Voyage [Blu-ray]

Terrific reissue from Fox of sci-fi Cold War gem (updated for Blu-ray)
Updated: 10/10/13--The Blu-ray looks simply marvelous for a 50 year old film. Yes, there are some scenes that are a bit soft but that's due to the multiple optical effects. This is a very nice presentation and a top notch transfer from Fox.

Audio sounds terrific as well with both the original mono and a 5.1 remixed presentation presented lossless. It sounds really exceptional.

The special features are ported over and in standard definition.

Original DVD review:

Fans of 60's science fiction will appreciation the deluxe terrific reissue of "Fantastic Voyage" put out by Fox. While very much a product of the mid-60's, "Fantastic Voyage" holds up surprisingly well in just about every area. I doubt that fans need a recap of the plot but I have one at the end of this review if you're interested.

First up we get a brand new marvelous looking transfer for the film. It isn't perfect but it couldn't be because of the source material. Some...
This was a excellent addition to my sci-fi collection. All of these movies are solid classics.
If bought separately this would have cost me around $56.00. This set is just $17.99.
No double-sided disc's here, this set was done RIGHT with a 4 disc set all SINGLE SIDED. Graphic covers on all the disc's also.
All 4 disc's are protected in a illustrated inner plastic casing , with a attractive laminated illustrated cardboard outer case.
The movies in this Fox 75th year stuio classics collection are:

Fantastic Voyage (1966)/ color/ 100 minutes...includes:
1) on/off commentary by film + music historian Jeff Bond.
2) on/off isolated score track with commentary by film+ music historians Jeff Bond, Jon Burlingame and Nick Redman.
3) Lava lamps + celluloid: a tribute to the visual effects of Fantastic Voyage.
4) Whirlpool scene: storyboard to scene comparison.
5) original props
6) trailer + TV spots
7) Galleries

The first film to portray the vast world of inner space...
After his successful direction of "20,000 Leagues Under the Sea", Richard Fleisher tried his hand with a new kind of submarine... His "Fantastic Voyage" ventured upon the unfamiliar seas of the human bloodstream, and carried the magic of miniaturization to its logical limits-the shrinking of four men and a woman to microbe size, making the voyage entirely rough and hazardous...

The plot follows a team of three scientists: a surgeon (Arthur Kennedy); his technical assistant (Raquel Welch); the chief of the mission (Donald Pleasance), plus the skipper of the ship William Redfield and a security agent Stephen Boyd for a possible "surgical assassination"...

The interesting submarine ("The Proteus") is miniaturized by a secret branch called CMDF (Combined Miniature Deterrent Forces) and injected into the bloodstream of a defecting Russian scientist who has suffered brain injury and a coma from an assassination attempt... The crew must navigate to the scientist's brain...
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Friday, October 25, 2013

Rush (Blu-ray + DVD + Digital HD with UltraViolet)

Full Circle for Ron Howard
The first movie Ron Howard ever directed was "Grand Theft Auto." Since then, he has built a storied, award-winning career; now he has come full circle to another auto-racing film. This biography is based on the true story of an Austrian Formula One champion and his British arch rival. I found it thrilling, involving and highly entertaining.

We see:
* Daniel Brühl ("Ladies in Lavender") as three-time Formula One champ Niki Lauda, a buttoned-down technocrat, friendless and charmless, but a brilliant analyst who understands all the elements of racing: the track, the engine, the body, the weight, and above all, the competition.
* Chris Hemsworth ("Thor") as handsome James Hunt, exuding the joie de vivre of international success. He revels in the booze, the drugs and the women that go along with fame and is always the darling of the press because he is so quotable.
* Olivia Wilde ("The Change-Up") as Suzy Miller, soon to be the famous supermodel Suzy...
The Greatest Sports Rivalry I Never Heard Of
I went in to see this movie with absolutely no idea what it was about, other than race cars (I prefer drag racing, Formula 1 is one of those European things I never paid attention to). Now I am obsessed with both Hunt and Lauda...the cinematography is great, the 'feel' of the era is palpable, the racing scenes are exciting, the casting was brilliant...all in all a wonderful suprise. Even if you aren't a racing fan, it's worth a look. And the soundtrack...wonderful!
My only complaint? It was too short.
I grew up watching Formula 1 but too late to see James Hunt and Niki Lauda fight it out. Doesn't matter because this story was always going to get my attention. In fact rarely have I looked to forward to a film. I was not disappointed.

I won't go through the premise here. If you're reading this I expect you already know it. I will say that this film travels at a pace akin to the cars it features. There's not a moment to get bored or for the mind to wander. To the contrary. I wanted every scene to be longer, I wanted to spend more time with these people. I was hungry to know them, flaws and all. This is no glossed up little package of hero-worship. Both Hunt and Lauda are as selfish and spiteful as they are inspiring and talented.

The music is brooding, compelling and exciting by turn. The camera work is intimate and amazing. (You see through Niki's bury eyes, you see from inside helmets and from under and along the cars. You see every shudder they...
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Robin Hood: 40th Anniversary Edition (Blu-ray + DVD + Digital Copy)

Worth the upgrade? Probably.
Previous to this 'Most Wanted Edition' release, Disney had released a Gold Collection version. Having seen the two head to head, the Most Wanted is definitely a worthwhile purchase, though purists may wish to hang onto their Gold Collection Edition.

For those interested in the movie's plot (though if you don't know it by now), this 1973 Disney film follows the adventures of the classic Robin Hood story (though all the characters have been replaced by Disney animal versions), where he and his pal Little John are constantly thwarting the plans of Prince John, his servant Sir Hiss, and the rotten Sheriff of Nottingham. It doesn't follow the original legend too closely, but then, Robin Hood is a walking, talking fox, so don't expect historical accuracy. Made during Disney's less 'talked about' era (the void between Disney's untimely death and the song stylings of Elton John), the film is still a delight for adults and children. At least, I like it, but critics and animation...
Clever Cartoon Version of a Classic Tale
There have been dozens of movies and television shows that capitalize on the legend of Robin Hood. This version is clever and funny, and the music of country music legend Roger Miller makes this movie one for everyone to watch.

Everyone knows the tale of Robin Hood. Forced to be an outlaw, though always loyal to King Richard, Robin Hood fought against the usurper Prince John. Robin Hood sheltered and protected poor people and redistributed wealth from the rich to the needy poor. Robin Hood performed these deeds from his base in Sherwood Forest.

Though we have seen this movie with many different great actors, this version has excellent comedy and very good animation. Robin Hood is appropriately swashbuckling and handsome, and Maid Marian is beautiful; both characters are drawn as foxes. In fact, all the characters in this movie are animals, as Alan-A-Dale points out at the beginning of the movie.

This film has its share of great actors. Englishman Brian...
A Good Transfer of a Good Film
Firstly, those who have complained about the aspect ratio are partially correct. This film was drawn in 4:3 BUT it was shown in widescreen when it was exhibited to the public upon its initial release. While it is true that some of the material is missing primarily from the top of the cell, the film was drawn so that that area could be missed. I must give credit to Disney for delving into their own history and discovering how each film was exhibited. Take a look at the recent reissue of The Fox and the Hound to prove this point. They could have cropped that film into widescreen but did not because it was shown in 4:3 originally.

As to the transfer, it is quite good and much improved over the Gold Collection release. The colors are crisper and there are less artifacts that can be seen.

I must admit that I enjoy Disney's Robin Hood quite a bit. It's not the best film in the Disney stable but it is enjoyable and has its charms. Roger Miller's music adds a...
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Despicable Me 2 (Blu-ray 3D + Blu-ray + DVD + Digital Copy + UltraViolet)

A greatly succesful sequel with even more hilarity, despicability, girl power and minions - and agent Lucy Wilde...
I loved this movie and both my daughters loved it even more. It is AS GOOD as the first part, therefore this review follows the main lines of my review of the first "Despicable me". This review contains very limited SPOILERS.

1. Hilarity - Exactly as the first film, this sequel is HILARIOUS! There is hardly any 15 seconds in this movie that would not contain a really good gag, children or/and adult oriented. Whoever wrote the scenario was a genius!

2. Despicability - in this film Gru is a little bit different from what he was in the first part. He is no more so grumpy, mean, petty and permanently aggravated - he certainly smiles more and all his attitude softened. He remains however exactly as insecure as in the first film. That being said, there are moments in this film when the old Gru resurfaces, when his heart is broken or when somebody REALLY upsets him. His geriatric sidekick and only friend (well, kind of) doctor Nefario didn't take all this change easily...
Minions Rule!
My name is Norma and I'm a Minion junkie.

In Despicable Me, they were the bickering followers of supervillain Gru (voiced by the always funny Steve Carell), who adopted three little girls as part of one of his evil plots. In Despicable Me 2, Gru, now a devoted dad, has reformed and is attempting to start a legitimate business. He's turned his lab into a high-tech kitchen for making jellies and jams. Too bad nobody, including the Minions, likes the stuff they're making. His longtime sidekick, Dr. Nefario (Russell Brand), grows restless--as restless as a hard-of-hearing geezer mad scientist can possibly be--and decides to leave Gru's lab and go back to evildoing with another supervillain. Gru reluctantly says goodbye to his soon-to-be-former accomplice and the Minions give Nefario a twenty-one fart gun salute (yep,I said fart gun--it wasn't a typo).

When the Minions start to disappear, Gru doesn't notice--at first. He's busy deflecting the matchmaking attempts of...
Surprised and Delighted
Actually, this review is of the theatrical performance of DESPICABLE ME 2. We hadn't planned on seeing it this weekend but we were running early at the multiplex and the next showing of MONSTERS U was full. Neither of us had seen D.M. 2's predecessor but it didn't matter once we caught onto the fact that the Minions are kind of like Gremlins or Ewoks except they have very little hair, there are tons of them, some have only one eye, and all of them love to go into costume. The plot has superspy overtones, as the formerly despicable main character Gru (voice of Steve Carrell) is shanghai'd by the international Anti-Villain League to find out who is about to enslave the world (the likely culprits have been winnowed down to the proprietors of the stores at the local shopping mall). Lucy, a way over-the-top near-novice girl spy (Kristen Wiig) joins our hero and at the beginning there is no love lost between them . . . but things develop. So what you have is basically a...
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Thursday, October 24, 2013

Spartacus: War of the Damned - The Complete Third Season [Blu-ray]

The final season, and possibly the best
(Updated 4/12/13, 9/4/13)

The Spartacus saga on Starz has given us some of the most powerful and dramatic television of the past decade, and this final season may just be the best of the lot. Spartacus: War of the Damned picks up maybe a year after the stunning finale of Spartacus: Vengeance. Having taken his revenge against the Roman patricians that enslaved him and killed his wife and friends, Spartacus leads what is now an army of liberated slaves in all-out war against the Republic. He struggles with both the cunning Imperator leading the Romans against him and the growing tensions within his own army, mowing down legions and cities while gathering strength for what may become an epic battle for Rome itself.

With this conclusion of the Spartacus series, Stephen DeKnight and company have achieved something quite rare in television, or anywhere else for that matter: an epic story simultaneously offering compelling plot, characters, action and drama, while...
Wonderful Tribute to Spartacus and human freedom
Along with the Walking Dead, this was my favorite series. As much as I loved Andy Whitfield (God bless him and his family), I must say Liam McIntyre was equally outstanding and perhaps even more. It is a bit like comparing your favorite James Bond -- Sean Connery or Roger Moore. All are outstanding and render their own interpretations. I am a PhD in European Military History and approve of this series in the way that they rendered history. We all could have small quibbles about this and that, that the Romans always threw pila (special spears) before closing, that Onamaeus was really a Gaul, not a black man...but what a character he was anyway. The cause of liberty should embrace all human kind and the scriptwriters were courageous and inclusive in making this point. Crixus and Gannicus did exist, the former as a Gaul and the latter as a Celt. Since nothing more is known about them, the scriptwriters were open to their interpretations. Of the three primary accounts about Spartacus, two...
First, for those that may not have ever seen Spartacus on Starz and are looking to get into the series via DVD or Instant Video based on its popularity, Spartacus: War of the Damned is season 3 of the show but technically the fourth season. After the excellent 2010 5-star season premier under the title Spartacus: Blood and Sand, Andy Whitfield who played the lead role of Spartacus tragically died of cancer. Whitfield embodied Spartacus; he was a believable, imposing, rough, tough character that made viewers feel like they were watching the real guy from circa 70 BC. His untimely illness left the studio scrambling to decide how to or if the series would continue. Ultimately the studio decided to produce a prequel that ideally would give Whitfield time to recover after treatment, but sadly Whitfield relapsed and passed shortly after production of the prequel.

The prequel was called Gods of the Arena and it was excellent. But there was something missing from Gods that made...
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