Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Skyfall (Blu-ray/ DVD + Digital Copy)

Brilliant...Can't Recommend This Movie Enough
Being the year of the 50th anniversary of the beloved super spy, the 23rd Bond installment had a lot to live up to. While Casino Royale was a worthy and thrilling reboot to the franchise, Quantum of Solace fell flat with critics and fans. To make matters more interesting, MGM has had financial woes over the last number of years and needed a hit to reinvigorate the studio. Ladies and gentlemen, I give you Skyfall.

Not only does the movie qualify as one of the most action-packed and entertaining movies of the year, it ranks on my list as one of the best Bond flicks to date. As has come to be expected, Craig is terrific as the British spy, portraying the character with charm and intensity. The action is top notch and the story is superbly written. Among my favorite moments were the blistering opening sequences, the introduction of the film's villain, and the intense final act, which finds Bond cornered yet unafraid. The real treat, however, is Bardem's role as the sinister...
So good I've seen it twice already!!
I am a die hard Sean-Connery-as-James-Bond fan. I like most of Roger's and a couple of Pierce's. I was not happy when I first learned of Daniel Craig as the new Bond. Daniel who? Was my first reaction. Not another Lazenby, I thought...
I like Casino Royale, but it took me a couple of watches on DVD for it to grow on me. I didn't hate Quantum of Solace as much as others seem to, but then I saw Skyfall..... I love this movie so much that not one day has gone by when I haven't thought of it at least once. I saw it twice in one week, and I never do that when movies are in theaters. The writers of this film must be brought back for the next one, yes it has some minor similarities to The Dark Knight movies, but so what. I can not wait for the Blu Ray release. I hate to admit it, but this may just be my new favorite Bond movie. The only thing that would make it perfect for me would be if Connery were still young enough to play Bond. The opening sequence, the action, Javier as the...
The best Bond film in many years
Although I remain a loyal fan to the Bond of my youth (Roger Moore), Daniel Craig is, in my opinion, one of the very best of the rest. In Skyfall he demonstrated how he has matured into the character - and the writing and execution of virtually every other aspect of this film are superior to his first two outings. Some viewers are finding this Bond outing a bit slow moving. I didn't, although it is admittedly more restrained than many other films from the series. Nevertheless, I found it engaging from beginning to end. I thought certain parts of the film packed an emotional punch seldom felt in other Bond films.

It is interesting how the public's expectations for Bond have changed. When View to A Kill premiered critics blasted the level of violence and even Roger Moore said he thought at least one scene in that movie went too far. The current take on Bond is far more violent and the bad guys are often presented in a much darker light than the villains of old - even if...
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