Sunday, October 13, 2013

Star Wars Trilogy Episodes IV-VI (Blu-ray + DVD)

This is just an alert since there seems to be some confusion about a trilogy release with the original unaltered versions along with the special editions vs a trilogy set that only contains the special editions and no copies of the original unaltered versions.

The reviews for both sets are merged together... that is why you are seeing people claim that it has the original unaltered versions, and people complaining they do not. THIS set that I specifically clicked on to make this comment on is on the 2004 release which DOES NOT CONTAIN THE ORIGINAL UNALTERED VERSIONS. The box image is silver and has Darth Vader's mask on the box. This set ONLY contains the SE along with a 4th bonus disc of making of features and trailers and a sneak peak at episode III. If you want the trilogy set that contains both the SE and the unaltered versions but no bonus features, make sure when purchasing from Amazon, that the picture is a picture of Darth Vader and Luke clashing with light sabers...
It's real simple, George. The vast majority of people who will buy the Blu-Ray versions are middle-aged nostalgia hounds. These people will NOT pony up more of their hard-earned dough for CGI "enhancements." They WILL, however, whip out their credit cards for the ORIGINAL THEATRICAL RELEASES faster than Han Solo's draw-down on Greedo.

Find your best exant print each film of the original trilogy. Have the ILM lab boys scan in every frame @ 4k. Do the LEAST amount of color correction and dust/scratch removal--only in a restoration sense, not "improving color" or anything like that. Approach it like archivists.

Use your technical advancements to do the finest BR encoding of those individual frames. I want to see film grain, dude. Matte lines. Pancake makeup. Absolutely naked and unvarnished. The final result should be a monument to the format, really.

Do the same with the audio.

If your ego won't let you "let go" of your CGI...
Not buying until we get remastered '77, '80', and '83 versions
Memo to George Lucas: I am not buying any more of your movies until you give us the REMASTERED films as they were ORIGINALLY. Han shoots first. Hayden Christiansen's ghost does not appear at the end of ROTJ. The original nub nub Ewok music is put back into the film, and the original Jabba's Palace band music is restored, etc. etc. Get the picture? You can do it, George. And don't tell us that the original negatives for these films no longer exist, because I don't believe you. If you think you are going to keep me buying and rebuying and rebuying the same product over and over and over again, then think again, because I'm not coming along for the ride.

I repeat: As soon as you release the original 1977, 1980, and 1983 versions of the films AS THEY WERE ORIGINALLY - and they MUST be remastered - not grainy laserdisc transfers. Then, and ONLY then, can you have any more of my money.

Just give the fans what they want. Is that too much to ask?
Click to Editorial Reviews

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