Sunday, October 13, 2013

Riddick (Blu-ray + DVD + Digital HD with UltraViolet)

Diesel at his best in the sci-fi sequel, 'Riddick'
If you're a diehard Vin Diesel fan, then you probably remember him even for his lesser known roles in films that include Saving Private Ryan, Boiler Room, and Knockaround Guys. But, the rest of us have come to know Diesel in basically two roles and two roles only: Dominic Toretto in The Fast and the Furious franchise and Richard B. Riddick in the Riddick franchise. Depending on how you feel about these two particular franchises - odds are that's how you judge whether you like or dislike his acting choices, which have largely included the role of the thug or tough guy. Regardless, The Fast and the Furious franchise quickly lost its flavor without Diesel involved, eventually leading him to disappointing and lackluster roles in films, such as The Pacifier and Man Apart. Eventually, Diesel reclaimed his role in the Fast franchise over the course of three more sequels - not to mention his fame. And, much like Sylvester Stallone with Rocky and Rambo, Diesel hasn't forgotten the...
Survival of the Fiercest
The third in the "Riddick" series, takes us full circle as the baddest anti-hero in the galaxy finds himself betrayed by the Necromongers and left for dead. The first part of this film is essentially a great survival story, where Riddick returns to his more feral roots however the tenor quickly changes when he finds a way to signal for "rescue" but instead gets reminded that he's still a wanted fugitive (VERY wanted). At this point, the movie becomes semi-horror reminiscent of the original "Pitch Black" (except much better) as he reminds everyone, including the audience, just why he's so dangerous.

This movie is easily the best of the trilogy in my opinion and presents a darker and more violent story than "Chronicles" represented by the PG-13 back to R rating however it doesn't saturate the dialogue with brainless profanity like the first movie; there's also very brief nudity and again, lots of violence but these things all supplement what is essentially a fierce tale of...
Long Live Riddick!
The third installment of The Chronicles of Riddick
starts off with a bang. We find him already stranded on an unknown planet, left for dead. He's severely injured and immediately has to battle for his life.
Through a flashback, we find out what went wrong on the necromonger ship (if you want even more of the backstory you can read the online comic), but in true Furyan fashion, his powers of recuperation have him up and running in short order.
But this new planet has treacherous lifeforms ready to kill at a moment's notice. The leopard dogs and water-dwelling creatures that have a very crafty attack prove to be all a severely injured Riddick can handle, but he adapts and eventually finds some sort of a bounty hunters' PlayStation where he alerts mercs that he is alive and waiting.
Two crews show up in short order. One is intent on bringing Riddick back dead, the other has a more clandestine agenda. There is a minor twist that plays out through the rest of the movie...
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