Thursday, October 24, 2013

Star Wars Trilogy Episodes I-III (Blu-ray + DVD)

May the BLU-RAYs be with you
Star Wars: The Complete Saga (Episodes I-VI) [Blu-ray]

I'm a first-generation Star Wars fan since 1977, having seen the original versions of the original three films in the theater one time each as a child, then falling in love with them all over again on VHS in 1987. And I've been a huge fan ever since. The Star Wars Saga is the ultimate epic space opera and film series.

This isn't actually a review of the movies most of you reading this will have seen one or more versions of dozens of times, although this review will discuss some of the changes made to the films.

I actually own the six-film Star Wars Saga blu-ray set linked above, and I reviewed that. The movie discs in this product are 3 of the same discs from the larger Saga set, so I thought I would edit that review down to only discuss the prequel trilogy discs themselves and post it here. This is meant to be an overview with...
It's about THE PRODUCT!! (duh)
I am baffled by some of these reviewers who are climbing a soapbox about the industry and Lucas. For those of us who are patient, a box set with cost saving and a SPECIAL BONUS!! Slim cases so shelf space is minimized!

About a rush to market, snatching up media related to STAR WARS as soon as it hits the shelf. If you don't like the movies themselves or the packaging or the recording quality that is one thing. Whining about your own gullibility is quite another. Let me clue you in. If Lucas makes or includes special features, enhancements and the like ... he will not fail to promote that. Investigate the product before you buy. And to those of you who didn't even buy any products but are just looking for places to gripe, this is not the appropriate place.

This is the excellent product that I anticipated to the point of not buying any of the movies when they first released to video. It is as much as it promises to be. (I expect the same to...
Three solid films at a decent price.
A good opportunity to get all three films at slightly less than buying them separately. There's nothing new here, so it's only good for those who don't own any of the three films already.
Click to Editorial Reviews

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