Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Zombieland [Blu-ray]

Evil Dead II + Shaun of the Dead = Zombieland
Let me start off by saying that I'm a huge zombie fan. Whether they're Romero's slow-moving shamblers or the fast-moving runners from Return of the Living Dead / 28 Days Later, I will give any zombie movie a try. Enter Zombieland, which when I heard about it, I instantly thought of that direct-to-DVD drivel you see on the rental store shelf that can barely pass as a B-movie. After watching the trailer however, I was genuinely intrigued. Luckily, my friend managed to get her hands on a few preview passes and what I saw was one of the most fun and enjoyable movies I've seen in years.

I'll say it now: This movie is NOT scary. If you go in expecting scares and frights, you're in the wrong place. While there's the occasional "boo" scare, Zombieland is a horror-comedy in the vein of Evil Dead II,...
Blood, Guts, and Humor oh my
Right from the start Zombieland is in your face. The opening sequence alone is just great and recalls Max Brooks' The Zombie Survival Guide. Also, it doesn't try to copy Romero's Dawn of the Dead or any of the other countless zombie movies.
It's a very direct film that doesn't waste time with needless character buildup, that would only slow the pacing. Characterization is achieved in between humor and action sequences and that approach works well.
Zombieland starts by introducing the overly cautious and neurotic, Columbus (Jesse Eisenberg) who reminds me of Woody Allen back in Allen classic comedy films of the 70's.
Columbus is the quiet geeky guy who probably spent his high school years over thinking every detail and was quite possibly bullied by jocks. Now in a zombie infested world, he is forced to become more manly and athletic when taking on the undead.
Then there's Tallahassee (Woody Harrelson) who is the gung ho bad ass. I think every zombie movie needs a...
This movie is great!
I generally rate movies on, "Will I Buy This Movie?"
If I can buy the movie, it's a movie I'm willing to watch again, and exceptional. This is one such movie.

Not saying there isn't gore, as there is some gore (blood smears, zombies tearing out some tendons), but this is also not like typical horror movies in which someone takes a chainsaw and you see the whole scene.
This is a fantastic comedy. Brilliantly done.
Think "Scary Movie", but not utterly idiotic and stupid.
There's some suspense which I guess classifies this as a mild horror movie (keep in mind, I wasn't scared at all during this movie, I don't think it's a real horror, it's more of a comedy). But more than anything is the humor which is just excellent.
Characters are all quite awesome. There's basically four characters and the rest are zombies.

The BluRay quality is exceptional as well.

Just love this movie, that's all I can say
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