Thursday, October 31, 2013

Children of Men [Blu-ray]

It's The End Of the World As I Know It--But Maybe Not...
"Children of Men," by Mexican director Alfonso Cuaron, was one of the more unusual success stories of 2006. While not a blockbuster, by any standards, this unconventional film was all but abandoned by a studio that didn't know how to market it. Positioned for release during prime Oscar season, this is not a film that was backed as a potential nominee. However, as almost universal critical acceptance came rolling in--a smaller, but loyal, fan base discovered and embraced this movie. "Children of Men" ended up, therefore, with much acclaim and admiration, decent box office, a more widespread distribution, and 3 Academy Award nominations (Screenplay, Editing, and Cinematography).

In an interesting twist on the apocalypse drama genre, "Children of Men" presents a world that is coming to an end with a whimper as opposed to a bang. For there is no cataclysmic explosion forcing humanity to confront it's own mortality. No, in this case, people have simply lost the ability to...
Brilliant Movie!
Children of Men just came out today in Spain and it is fantastic.

The story line is totally original and the acting is superb. Clive Owen is captivating as a man caught between his sorrow from his past and the hope for a new world future.

The basic premise is set in the year 2027 and 18 years ago women mysteriously stopped being capable of having children. Society has started to crumble because all hope of the future has disappeared.

Owen's character (Theo), an ex-activist, is pulled into an underground "terrorist" group that has found something that will bring hope to the world; but hidden agendas and distrust are threatening to pull the only hope left apart.

The cinematography and set designs are top notch, and with a supporting cast that includes Michael Caine and Julianne Moore- it only takes a great story to that next level of excellence.

Also the soundtrack is really well chosen and they use the music to great effect in...
A bold departure for P.D. James (author) results in a stunning film
While I loved the movie, I strongly suggest you read the book as well. There are differences between the two and, of course, verbal descriptions of characters' thoughts are often hard to reproduce on screen. Almost always, sacrifices must be made in the script - and this film is no exception. However, I DO feel the movie stays true to the INTENT and MESSAGE of the book and it is quite a wonderful film.

It is futuristic and if you know anything about the author of the book on which this film is based (P.D. James) you'll know this isn't her usual mystery story. But it is one of my favorite works that she has written, telling of a time when people are infertile and of the hope that resides when there is a chance that someone can produce children again.

The government gets involved and there are political messages and subplots, all set against a certain, dark atmosphere. This film will make you think and I actually find the possibility of a future where...
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