Saturday, October 12, 2013

Doctor Who 50th Anniversary Special: The Day of the Doctor (Blu-ray 3D / Blu-ray / DVD Combo)

Everything epic but 1 thing
I love EVERYTHING about it BUT the case is ugly! It better have a slip case with a 3D image. Other than that THE ULTIMATE FANGASIM ,
Two of the best Doctors. A dream come true.
John Hurt is playing The Valeyard. He's the evil incarnation of The Doctor first introduced in the late 80s. Back then it was revealed that between the 12th and final (supposedly) versions of The Doctor there was him. The character has had recurring roles since then in the old series but this is the first time in the new. It was my hope that Matt Smith's doppleganger would regenerate into The Valeyard so that we wouldn't have to adjust to an evil Doctor for a few seasons but I guess they found their own way. I thought it would've been cool if The Valeyard was the precursor name to The Master. To have one of the Doctor's greatest adversaries be himself would make all previous episodes with The Master that much better. Knowing that the only villain who ever truly matched the Doctor's intellect was The Doctor. That would blow minds but probably piss off as many fans as it would excite. This will be amazing since it has 10th and 11th and Rose. I would've preferred Amy instead of Clara but...
I Can't Wait!
Rose and 10! Clara and 11! (10 and 11 TOGETHER!!!) We'll find out who John Hurt is! In 3D! 75 minutes long! Zygons and Daleks! How can you NOT be excited about this?! (If you're upset about 9, Christopher Eccleston declined..sorry!) I'll update this when I finally get to see it!
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