Thursday, October 17, 2013

Underworld: The Legacy Collection (Underworld / Underworld: Evolution / Underworld: Rise of the Lycans / Underworld: Awakening) [Blu-ray]

Great set!! Just wish they would have "remastered" the older two of the set.
Cool to get this four disc set with all four of the Underworld movies. Very disappointed Sony just repackaged the old blu rays and added the fourth one to make a set. They know that this franchise sells, so why not at least remaster the first two with the newer technologies of today. The first one was made awhile ago when blu ray technology was new. If any of the movies deserve a "remastering" it would be the first Underworld. A new hi def video transfer along with new soundtrack utilizing DTS-HD. And why use the same covers with each film housed in a blue plastic case (like typical blu ray) and not red ones or even a fold out type so the set would be thinner. These studios need to start making these "collections" collectible for the fans. But, they know how to save money AND make money. The last I checked this set is selling mighty well. Especially when you can get the whole set a few dollars more than Awakening alone.
All in all, this is a good set to show off to your friends...
Underworld Quadrilogy on Blu-ray
Underworld fans get a 4-disc Blu-ray Legacy Collection with four films: Underworld, Evolution, Rise of the Lycans and Awakening. This release adds Awakening to the Blu-ray collection but it remains the weakest of the films (the 3D version is not included but sold separately). UltraViolet Digital Copy codes are provided for the films. Overall, the picture quality is good but varies by film (the first three films could use a good remastering). However, the audio is great. There is over 5.5 hours of bonus content which is somewhat light for 4 films. Additional extras for Evolution and Rise of the Lycans would make this release a little more deluxe since Underworld gets the lion's share of the bonus content. Underworld fans who own the Trilogy Blu-ray collection may consider purchasing Awakening 3D on Blu-ray separately instead of upgrading to this set since it contains the same extras. The Underworld Legacy Collection is somewhat disappointing since it simply bundles the stand-alone...
Great Collection, But the Packaging
To have all four movies on Blu Ray is great, but I'm a sucker for collection packaging. Seems they just wrapped the standalone cases in a thin holder to match the release date of Awakening. A little more appreciation of the product would have been nice, but I guess I'm buying the movies, nonetheless.
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