Saturday, October 12, 2013

Batman: The Dark Knight Returns (Deluxe Edition) [Blu-ray]

DK Return as Full Feature & 70 min Miller Doc? No Double Dip!
For fans thinking they are being 'double dipped' by this DC Universe Animated Original Movie 'Deluxe Edition' release of 'BATMAN: THE DARK KNIGHT RETURNS,' think again. You only need look at what you are getting for your money to realize Warner Bros. animation is offering up a totally new 'viewing experience' for this groundbreaking animated achievement, along with phenomenal new extras well worth the investment. The full-length, uninterrupted version of the film clocks in at 2 hours and 29 minutes. That makes this uninterrupted viewing experience the closest fans will get to a Christopher Nolan 'Batman' film, perhaps, for the last time ever.

The fact that the entire version features a crew commentary track exclusive to this 'full-cut' means that fans get a creative perspective on the film as a whole. Had commentary tracks been recorded and released on each of the separate 'Part 1' and 'Part 2' releases, they would have inhibited the creators from discussing their...
An Excellent Adaptation and "Deluxe Edition"
Frank Miller's Batman: The Dark Knight Returns is considered to be one of the seminal works in the comics canon, and for good reason: it's an adult, layered work with elements of social and political satire and rich, often-disturbing characterizations of Bruce Wayne/Batman and the other denizens of Gotham. The story's complexity made it clear to Bruce Timm and the DC Animated Universe team that the usual 80-minute long adaptation could not hope to capture the essence of Miller's story, and so the decision was made to split the book into two films.

This Deluxe Edition joins the two halves together for the first time via a "seamless" edit into a single film. Despite not having seen the separate parts, nonetheless there is a moment roughly at the midpoint of the feature that smashes to black before continuing, so it is my belief that they simply removed the credits from Part 1, spliced on Part 2, and...
Epic Achievement
Kudos to WB for releasing this film in a single package.

The story is legendary. The cast is incredible. The animation is excellent. This may be the best Batman film ever made, trumping even the works of Nolan. A large part is due to its loyalty to the source, Frank Miller's epic dystopian tale.

There are many layers inside the story. Social commentary. Political commentary. But at its core we find out what drives Batman and why he is so important. Not only that, but we get to see the two great superheroes go at it when Superman and Batman go toe-to-toe.

WB is packing a lot into this new release. The only shame I can see is that they're not giving the full film a theatrical release. It deserves one. The quality is there and as a singular film, it moves at a fast pace. I would love to see this one on the big screen in the Fall.
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