Wednesday, October 16, 2013

The Fly [Blu-ray]

Two great sci-fi films and terrible sequals? heck yeah!
I simpley love both these movies, and this "double take" is the way to own them. this is because every other copy of the original i can find is bundled with the it's awful sequal, "Return of the Fly". the fact that this set lets me own not only the sequal free original, but the exelent remake as well make this easily the best purchase that anyone who does not already own these sci-fi masterpeices can get.
'help me'
The best laid plans of mice and men, not to mention flies.

This is first rate science fiction, but of a heart-wrenching variety.

This story is a bit in the spirit of Jack London tales, where some spirited individual gets crushed (in this case, literally), by going out too far on his own.

In this case the spirited individual is a family man who happens to be a scientific genius, developing in his basement the first matter teleportation device. It works, but he fails to realize that the wilderness he confronts in it is not as user friendly as his wife and kid. It confuses him with a fly (which was in the disintegrator with him but escaping his notice). In other words he escapes nature's notice, which didn't bother to distinguish him from the fly, treating him with even more indifference than he treated the fly...

Interestingly, the 1986 remake was not a remake at all, but a spinoff. This spinoff being the opposite story, really: There,...
Science Gone Awry Creates Horror on VHS
This film is a good example of the classic science fiction theme of the 1950s. Man through his science takes experimentation of his environment one step too far. Nature is harmony. Man's attempts to disrupt that harmony leads to destruction and horror to himself and his loved ones. This is a well intentioned, poignantly directed and produced film. The horror resulting from Al (David) Hedison's experiments gone awry are devastating and disturbingly represented in the film's images. Once seen, the viewer can never forget them. This is a powerful film even to this day. This VHS copy in pan & scan is very good. The colors are rich and the Stereo Sound is excellent. Highly recommended!
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