Monday, October 21, 2013

Iron Man 3 (Blu-ray / DVD Combo Pack)

A Rousing Movie; Different from What I Expected
Let me start by saying that I can understand why there are a lot of split opinions about IRON MAN 3. It's a film full of misdirection and deceptions, and I was a little distressed by a couple of them - which would give away too much to detail here. Suffice it to say that there were a couple of moments I felt somewhat cheated; and though I'll be vague about it I can say it involved Mandarin. Still, read on; while I gave the movie four stars, I believe down the road I might very well revise this to a five. I'll explain...

First of all, rest assured there is A LOT of action. And there are a lot of the Iron Suits,'s just that Tony Stark isn't often the one IN the suit. I found myself often frustrated by that fact: Iron Man interruptus, if you will. Either the suits were off on their own, or they were on other people, or they weren't working properly...something that seemed to occur almost constantly.

I saw it in Imax 3D, and it was well worth the extra...
I dont care about comics. As far as a movie? This was great. It makes me forget that stinker Iron Man 2. Good action, great camera angles, great characters. I enjoyed the madarin twist even though it was against the grain. Guy did a great job of being a villian. It was like getting part comic book, part video game, and part Lethal Weapon. The level of action and the pace of the movie was right on target. The pepper ending could have been a silly disaster but i think they did it right, and gwen played that scene perfect. I left the theatre very happy. Like spider man 2, avengers, x men 2, this is a great marvel action movie. Not a comic book. Shane Black did a great job with this movie. It was like being in the theatre as a kid watching the Hoth battle unfold. Thats how i feel about this movie. Can you tell i just watched it? Im going to watch it again right now.
Watch "The Avengers" Before You Watch This.
I am not going to give away anything plotwise for those who haven't seen this movie yet but my advice to everyone is to watch "The Avengers" before watching this one. The reason for this is because the movie frequently references things that happened there and they will make more sense to the viewer. It at least sticks with canon where the films are concerned. While "The Avengers" isn't necessarily "Iron Man 2.5", there are things that happen to the Tony Stark character in that film that come into play in "Iron Man 3".

(Personal side note, I purchased the single disc DVD, just because that was in my budget. I would have preferred Blu Ray but I am one movie fan who doesn't really nitpick about formats. I will watch a film on VHS if I want to see it bad enough.)

That notwithstanding, it is still a great film on its own. If you want to see Robert Downey Jr. a LOT, this film will NOT disappoint you in that department, nor will you feel cheated out of special...
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