Tuesday, October 22, 2013

The Lone Ranger (Blu-ray + DVD + Digital Copy)

"The Lone Ranger" with a twist!
We were fortunate enough to have seen a sneak preview of "The Lone Ranger" at the theatre on the military base where we live, and my family really enjoyed it. We had a great time. In fact, judging from the reactions of the packed house, everyone there was having a great time.

Johnny Depp was, in my opinion, wonderful as a slightly edgy Tonto. His comedic and dramatic timing were right on target, and his interpretation of Tonto -- as he was written for this movie -- was well done. The same can be said for Armie Hammer in the lead role. We watched his character evolve into The Lone Ranger in a remarkably believable manner. The character was definitely different when compared at the beginning and ending of the movie. We thought that the concept of Silver, and from where he came, was creative and added well to the story. There was a LOT of laughter, cheering and even some booing (at the villains). The line between the good guys and the bad guys was boldly drawn in the...
Saw it with low expectations, but it's really good
This movie has been getting really bad reviews. My son wanted to see it so I went in with really low expectations. It should have been a complete disaster and a waste of 2 1/2 hours based on the reviews I read. It's not! I'm not even certain some of the critics had even seen the movie based on what I read. I'm not sure what the original story of the Lone Ranger was, but this movie creates a very good back story. Despite it's length, it moves a long quickly and has a lot of humor. Even though Johnny Depp gets top billing, this IS about the Lone Ranger. Yes, Tonto is more important than he was in the old TV series, but how could he not be? The story is told as Tonto tells it to a young boy. He may or may not be the most reliable story teller, but that's part of what makes it fun.
I grew up with "The Lone Ranger" and even met Clayton Moore during a promotional tour in the mid 1950s. I was afraid Hollywood might have screwed this all up. "The Lone Ranger" production is a creative, respectful, and cared for tour de force. Despite some of the Amazon reviewers who did not like the film, the acting, locations, script, and direction are all over the top. The use of humor is well selected and is NOT disrespectful to the television show. This film is quite special and well worth seeing and owning. Hans Zimmer has created another fabulous score. Some of the comments by critics in the newspapers are living proof that these are critics without an ability to relate to the tradition of these two characters. How tragic. I walked out of the theatre feeling I got my money's worth and as you know, that is rarely a typical reaction these days. Unlike some of the critics, I could care less that Depp is not a native American.
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