Friday, October 11, 2013

Blade Runner (30th Anniversary Collector's Edition) [Blu-ray]

Details & Features of Blade Runner Final Cut are announced
Due for re-release in December, this motion picture is one of the finest science fiction films of the 20th century. Part of this is because it projects a future that could be - the earth as a place with a ruined environment populated by people that couldn't or wouldn't make the jump to one of the more habitable off-world colonies. The other part is because the film questions what it means to be human, and explores the possibly unsatisfactory answers you might get if you could, like the replicants, hunt down your maker and ask him Why am I here? Why must my life end? I'll pretty much let Warner's press release do the talking from this point forward. Basically you have your choice of three different sets - 2-disc, 4-disc, and 5-disc. The discs are described as follows:

Disc 1 - Ridley Scott's All-New "Final Cut" Version of the film - Restored and remastered with added & extended scenes, added lines, new and cleaner special effects and all new 5.1 Dolby Digital Audio. Also...
More Human than Human, that's our motto ...
Having seen this movie probably more times and in more different formats than most people, I thought it was time I write a few words about this masterpiece of filmmaking. Truly, I wasn't boasting with my assertion that I've seen this movie as much as I have (I watch this movie almost once a week and have done so for almost 10 years). I own several, still unopened, VHS tapes that for a large part of the nineties I did my best at collecting. I own the Japanese Laserdisc version, a rare bootleg VHS version that was distributed over the internet a handful of years ago that has the narration selectively placed back into the Director's Cut version of the film, not called the Esper Version as some would want to label it, the Director's Cut and now the HD version of the Final Cut. That makes 5, but 6 if you count the Workprint version that comes with this box set. So, I would say that's one more than most.

Blade Runner first and foremost, is probably the greatest film ever made,...
Well... here's the deal...

Blade Runner stands as one of those films whose editting and final cut were always a subject for debate. As you may know there are two known cuts of this film: the original theatrical version (shunned by many who claimed it was a producer's cut who did not believe in Scott's true vision) and the director's cut (which is not really the director's cut... it is more a screenplay's cut... with some changes who merely unmade some of the things the producers did on the previous cut).

It is this second version that you will find here (while the first version is no longer available) with a face lift... a new transfer... better sound... and that's it.

In one way, this version is badly needed because all the previous Blade Runner DVD incarnations come from the first years of DVD - when you didn't even have a decent menu. And since the DVD technology has evolved a lot since then... why not a new version of Blade Runner, right...
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