Monday, November 25, 2013

Aria: The Scarlet Ammo (Limited Edition Blu-ray/DVD Combo)

Beyond what I expected
Aria: The Scarlet Ammo is one of those "on a whim" purchases that I made after reading a little about it previously, and I am quite pleased with this anime. The characters are interesting and fun, yet dynamic enough not to be the same boring character profiles that you tend to run into when you watch a lot of anime. The story is interesting and seems relatively sound. The art is quite good, I am one who prefers a clean and detailed anime art style and Aria: The Scarlet Ammo definitely makes the grade. I wish it were longer though as there were some things that were discussed but left untouched since it is a shorter anime.

A quick summary:
All characters involved are the grand children of famous characters or real people; Sherlock Holmes, Joan d'Arc, and Arsene Lupin to name a few. They of course, being this is anime, have inherent skills that put them a cut above average humans and this type of thing becomes a factor in the story.

Looks good, but its been done before.
Butei High School is a school that trains young people to be detectives. They receive an education as well as combat skills training. Kinji is a 2nd year student that has the ability to go into a "berserk" mode when he gets to excited. Even though he is a lower ranked Butei this ability makes him a hot commodity. One day he meets a girl named Aria. Aria is the highest rnked Butei and she partners up with Kinji to solve different cases. Her objective is to prove her mothers innocence and have the 7 life sentances against her lifted. They go through many trials together and become very close.

This anime has nothing original. We all know there is nothing new under the sun, but that doesn't mean something unoriginal can't be fun. This anime has some pretty good characters, an interesting story, and good animation. If you've seen Shakugan No Shana, then you have a pretty good idea of what to expect from this show. Despite being an unoriginal idea, this anime is very enjoyable...
Aria: The Scarlet Ammo
This was a great anime. The storyline, character development, animation and voice dub. The rating is TV 14 for action, violence and drama. By drama they mean awkward situation of a sexual nature, it goes with the storyline so I don't think anyone minds it.
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