Friday, November 22, 2013

Shiki: Part 1 (Limited Edition Blu-ray/DVD Combo)

Can I Come In?
Sotobamura is a small, secluded village where the old customs, such as the burial of the dead, are still practiced. Life in Sotobamura is calm and boring. When three old people die in the outskirts of the village, it is marked down as old age or heatstroke. But when a healthy teenage girl expires, it starts to look like the deaths might be connected. The local doctor, Toshio Ozaki, starts to see a pattern--light anemia followed by sudden and inexplicable death-- and suspects an epidemic. But what sort of disease causes its victims to quit their jobs before dying? And what about those families that disappear in the middle of the night in moving vans?

I've always been partial towards the idea of vampires in stories, but I rarely like the sort of stories that have vampires in them (a contradiction, I know). But Shiki manages to create a excellent atmosphere of creepiness and uncertainty. The story moves on at a rather languid pace, but it is never boring. Shiki has the sort of...
A perfect horror series
Shiki,translated in english as "corpse demon", begins with a series of mysterious deaths in a tiny rural village called Sotoba. Even though many of the victims display the same mysterious symptoms, the towns doctor can't pinpoint the cause of the deaths. They begin around the time a new family moves into a mansion, overlooking the small town. Unfortunately, many of the townsfolk are too focused on their everyday lives to notice that something strange is going on and for some that mistake proves to be fatal.

The village doctor, Ozaki Toshio, begins searching for the cause of the deaths and eventually discovers that the village is being targeted by undead creatures similar to vampires. Another man,Seishin Muroi, the junior monk of Sobata finds himself torn between two worlds, either of which he may not be able to return from.
At the same time, Natsuno Yuuki, a young man who truly hates life in Sobata discovers the same shocking truths as the doctor and searches...
shiki omg
At first i was doubting this anime but once i got to ep 4 i was hooked. i ended up watching the hole set in 2 days and i will watch it all over again. It hits all good points. there is love, action, star crossed lovers, and some really bloody scenes. so not for any one under 14. and there are some parts that bring tears to your eyes. btw this aint some twilight story. it is really dark moments. and some WTF moments. i say it is a 100% buy.
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