Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Clannad: After Story - Complete Collection [Blu-ray]

The Unrecognized Masterpiece
First I am just a medical student, though I have taken film and media study classes I want people to know that I don't feel that I am in a position to make any grand claims and such. All the following of my review is just my opinion.

It would be impossible even given a book sized amount of text to describe the artistic and storytelling merit of this work. While I could praise this work for hours I will try to give people who are interested a quick overview. Truth be told, I am not an anime fan, in fact you can say I greatly dislike anime. I am also not a fan of love stories, romance, tragic stories, school life stories, or of Japanese works in which I had to read the English subtitles, but Clannad was all of this and it blew my mind. I have been searching my whole life for a work I could call a masterpiece and this was it. I was forced to watch this by a younger sibling and though I struggled within the first episode this work won me over. I have never seen a work so well...
Like putting a diamond in a soggy pizza box
Let me make one thing perfectly clear. I love this show. The characters are great, the stories are fantastic and it's just a wonderful show.

Having said that, the box sucks. This is the first anime DVD I've bought, so I don't know if this is common place, but the set comes with four discs that are just stacked on top of each other like I bought a hundred blank dvds. Usually when I get a DVD box set, the individual disks are in a sort of book where you can flip through and pick out an individual disk. I guess doing this saves space, but that's something else about the box that doesn't make sense. The disks take up a little more than half of the total interior of the box and the rest is filled with a white foam sheet. I want to take it out because it looks incredibly ghetto, but I'm afraid that if I do, the disks will fall out and get scratched in the box.

The actual disks are nice. This version includes the Japanese and English dubs as well as English...
Clannad: After Story is Amazing!
Clannad and Clannad: After Story are two of my favorite anime's. Clannad: After Story picks up where Clannad left off, with Tomoya and Nagisa in a relationship. The story follows the ups and downs of their relationship, from bouts of Nagisa's sickness to Tomoya's struggles with his father and not wanting to be like him and wanting to take care of Nagisa. The pacing of the show is excellent and it never gets boring, it can go from hilarious hijinks (Nagisa's parents) to really tragic moments that make you feel for the characters and what they are going through. I cant remember a recent anime that actually made me care for the characters, it can be a real tear-jerker sometimes. Moving on from the story this anime also has some of the best animation you will find, its very crisp and clean. As for the audio department, the English dubs aren't bad but you lose some of the innuendo's and subtlety's of the Japanese audio track, as with most dubs in my opinion. I recommend using the Japanese...
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