Monday, November 11, 2013

Guilty Crown: Complete Series, Part 2 (Blu-ray/DVD Combo)

Not quite like Part 1, but still a must see to complete
Ok I have to agree that Part 2 is definitely not nearly as good as Part 1. However Part 2's good side is that it explores the deep changes within our main character Shu quite a bit and some tragic things do happen here and there. I really did appreciate Part 2 after finishing it. While watching the first few episodes of Part 2, it really did bug me how the story started to drop a bit. Overall I'd say the anime is in my top 5 favorites, I would give the series an 8.5/10 and I absolutely love the characters. But as far as ONLY Part 2, I would give it a 3.5/5, however I rounded up as you can see. Having seen Part 1, Part 2 is pretty much a must see anyways.
okay the first part of the series (part 1) was awesome the beginning of the second part (part 2) was kinda like okay this is weird but then it got better and then they absolutely RUINED it with the ending! I watched the video where the three creators talked about how they want to make original anime series and make them as good a production as a hollywood movie and have a moving story that you walk away from and feel something for the work and the characters....well they should probably learn the key to success is a HAPPY ENDING not this BS! I'm sorry but I get real sick and tired of feeling for the characters and getting involved in the story just to have it end the way it did. Not going to ruin the ending with any spoilers or anything but seriously WTF! I'm a little bit annoyed at how many anime series do this....suck you in, get you to feel for the characters and their plight and make you want them to have a happy ending and have things work out (best part about fiction is the...
Better Than Part 1
Just finished watching... all I can say is that unlike most critiques of this anime I found part 2 much more interesting than part 1 although it's not a perfect finale.

The main complaint I have with this anime is the music talents... i didn't care for the music at all, especially the choice of singer. I find her voice completely annoying as if she's literally trying to sound horrible and irritating.

The premise is interesting but i don't feel the pacing was great or that the realization of the virus or void graphics were compelling at all. The graphics of the viral crystals or the void silvery threads were too bland and homogenous looking and lacked visual punch or contrast and when that is married to the overall romantic softness of the world look it all comes off bland.
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