Saturday, November 23, 2013

Freezing: Complete Series [Blu-ray]

Beautiful Animation
The story might leave a bit to be desired. More time is spent on fan service than in developing a story that has a lot of potential. The quality of the animation is beautiful. There is a story here and it is interesting it just could have been so much more. Still the fan service is nice if that trips your trigger.
Good watching
Very entertaining. Surprising at every episode. Good amounts between suspense and comedy. Kept your attention on it and you had to keep watching though the last episode.
Enjoyable freezing experience.
I thought the plot was well done and the story line was refreshing. Sure it has similar elements of others, but the direction, theme and revelation really make it worth having.
There is some fan service, but for those who don't care for it be warned of lots of clothes being thrashed in battles. The story unfolds brillinatly and delivers enough to keep you watching and satisfied. Girls are the warriors while boys are the protectors with "freezing capabilities" which render an enemy unabl to move. The majority of the show is about the lives of those at the training academy; they compete, have mock battles, and tend to not get along. The girls are the fighters, and thus they tend to resolve everything by extreme physical fights. I took a chance on this one and now I am glad that I did because it has found a place in my collection of favorites.
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