Thursday, November 21, 2013

Elfen Lied: Complete Collection (Blu-ray + OVA)

Been waiting on Elfen Lied on Blu Ray forever. At just two dollars more than the DVD set, this is a bargain. The BR quality is a noticeable improvement over the DVD. Some anime just take to high definition, and Elfen Lied is one of them. Something about seeing that blood, bone, and brain matter splatter across the screen in 1080p just brings a warm fuzzy feeling to my heart.

Odds are, if you're considering this product, you've already seen Elfen Lied. If you already own the old DVD sets, or you aren't that huge a fan of the series, then maybe the bumb to BR quality isn't worth your money. However if you enjoy the series, and you haven't already purchased a box set, I encourage you to buy this one. In today's age of torrenting and streaming, it's more important than ever to support the shows you enjoy. Especially in America, where anime isn't as popular as it is in Japan. We all had the ache of waiting for new Hellsing dubs after Geneon went out of business, and Darkhorse...
Blu Ray is in hand, viewed and reviewed
I received Elfen Lied early, thanks to another company getting the product early and shipping my preorder early.

I've taken some time to take in the show, yet again, on Blu Ray and I have to say that, given you get the "long lost OVA," and the bump in audio quality, it might be a worthy upgrade for some. If you already own the series on DVD, and don't care about a silly OVA episode (it has some meat, but nothing you can't live without), you may want to skip this one.

The story goes that the Dicloneus are the evolution of the homo sapien that are bent on the destruction of the human race. They have "horns" (suspiciously look like cat ears) and a sixth sense. Because of this, they are hunted, captured and confined by the government in an attempt to protect humanity. Lucy is one such Dicloneus, and after an ultra violent opening where many guards are left in pools of their own blood, Lucy escapes, but not before being shot in the head. She survives, but now has a...
Word of the Day: Recommended
Ok EL Fans, I've done my research, and this Bluray is definitely worth it. Im going to reiterate "EL Fans".

First, I have to touch on the background. The anime adaptation pales in comparison to the manga (to be short & sweet, it was completed before the manga was); it makes it a little difficult to "highly" recommend the anime. This does not mean the series is bad; it is well worth the watch [and purchase if you like it]. The ending was very open to viewer intepretation, which I liked.

DISCLAIMER* The ending could be very dissatisfying if you didn't read the manga, which has a more definite conclusion.

Features a lot of blood (gallons and gallons of it), gore (limbs flying everywhere), some nudity, and typical anime sexual references; a very appropriate TV-MA. Reminds me of Evangelion, you'll either love it or hate it. This series is a hardcore tragedy, almost on a Romeo & Juliet scale. English dub is pretty bad, stick with Japanese. Trying not to be...
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