Monday, November 25, 2013

Phantom: Requiem for the Phantom - Complete Series [Blu-ray]

Weapons the Arcs
This anime series covers 26 episodes and presents itself through 3 main arcs with some lapses of time occurring between the arcs. The series is a spy action thriller with a deep story that will keep you engaged in this world of mystery and discovery. Twists and turns in a world where the main character is on a quest of identity, self, love, strength, and just about a dozen other things. All the characters feel real and it was just a series that I really enjoyed. I tend to refer to this anime as the modern setting of the anime Claymore. There is not connection between those two anime but I feel like the are on par quality wise but this series isn't as mystical and is better off in the area of plot. Also, I'm not sure what the other reviewer had mention about this being the first season of two. As far as I know this is the only season and it is worth buying. If there is another season let me know!

I will be buying this without a doubt, an amazing anime not to mention having...
Possibly 2011's best action anime series
Anytime you put assassins, treachery, angst and possible romance in a storyline and DO THEM ALL EQUALLY WELL, you've got yourself a winner my friend! I bought this series as soon as it dropped and I absolutely loved it. I already bought the Phantom OVA that was released years ago with just a few episodes and this is basically a better re-telling of that story.

I NEVER compare anime to manga from 2 different series- (#1 it's not the same art form #2 you shouldn't compare moving art to still art). Another reviewer compared Phantom to a title that was released 15-20 years ago, criticizing this series. Comparing one title's anime to another title's MANGA is just plain bad reviewing.

This anime falls in the same category (I guess) as Noir, Madlax etc., but those can't hold a candle to this series. It has way better production quality. It was masterfully animated, excellent English dub, kick-ass action and plenty of likeable characters. The musical score made my...
This is one that will stick with you! An amazing series.
It took me a couple of episodes to get into this series, and it's not one I'll soon forget. It has some of the most memorable - and tragic - figures in Anime. No giant robots or wizards, demons or aliens. This is the story of professional assassins, brainwashed and brutally trained into their profession. We stare with Einz and Zwei, then later add Drei. All three are high-school aged kids, and all are the best at their profession. This is realistic, sometimes heart-wrenching, usually action-packed animation. It's similar to Ghost in the Shell in it's look and feel, only set in modern times with modern weapons. Mob bosses using specially trained assassins to keep other mob families in line. We have unrequited love, brutal assassinations (some are pretty shocking), world-class animation and voice actors, and is one of the best I have seen in ages.

The ending - the real ending - is in the final credits, and it's a shocker. Is it open ended? Not really, but I suppose a...
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