Monday, November 11, 2013

Dragon Ball Z: Season 1 [Blu-ray]

Seriously Funimation, enough is enough. You've ripped me off too many times by releasing part of a set and then cancelling it mid production. Until the entire series is released, I'm not spending a dime. I purchased the Ultimate Uncut Special Edition (cancelled mid production), I then sold those and bought the orange brick sets (terrible "widescreen" and filtering applied), you stopped selling the dragon box sets (the only ones that are actually decent), I purchased the Level sets (cancelled mid production, these were FANTASTIC), and then there's Kai which would be good, except you switched back to the original Japanese music for the US release near the end of the series which is just awful in my opinion.

Release the rest of the Level sets. Stop doing this. WTF is your problem? I can guarantee that I am your target audience for this product.
From Fantastic to P*ss Poor in 2 years.
In 2011, FUNimation released the very first Blu-ray remaster of the original Dragon Ball Z in its native 4:3 aspect ratio. This remaster, unlike 2007's "Orange Brick" sets, was actually... GOOD. Not perfect, mind you, but good. It was clean and wasn't screwed with. It even contained both the Japanese voice track, and the revised English voice track, with your option of two soundtracks; original Japanese or the American soundtrack. It was looking to be the definite Dragon Ball Z release that we've all been looking for. However, these dreams were crushed when FUNimation decided to cancel this production as it was becoming too costly.

This was the last we'd heard from FUNimation about Dragon Ball Z being in Blu-ray until we saw a survey posted earlier this year, asking fans about the Blu-rays once again! However, an interesting question was in the survey; one that would divide the fanbase: What should the aspect ratio be? Original 4:3, or Cropped 16:9? For those who do not...
Dont jump Gun
Just read today FUNi still not sure of aspect ratio. so tweet them and let them know what we want
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