Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Eureka Seven AO: Part Two (Blu-ray/DVD Combo)

Decent anime, Terrible sequel
Honestly, there are only 2 major sins this anime commits:

1) It doesn't even attempt to properly honor the message or style of original series despite being advertised as a sequel. This would've served better as a spin-off with brand new characters, only borrowing elements like surfing robots, trapars and surfing robots.

2) The first half tries to be a classic "monster of the week" show, but forgets the important fact that your monsters need to be memorable in order to succeed. Astral Ocean's monsters are faceless, colorless shapes that are all killed in a forgettable manner(with the exception of the first one).

People complain about lack of story direction, cardboard characters, and political nonsense but I've been a fan of the mecha genre for a long time and this is hardly the worst offender. I've grown to enjoy political mumbo-jumbo as its own form of storytelling. To be honest I even grew to like the characters in this anime despite their lack of...

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