Thursday, November 14, 2013

Star Wars: The Clone Wars [Blu-ray]

Star Wars: A New Generation
The Star Wars motion picture saga told the story of one Anakin Skywalker. The Clone Wars is here to tell the stories of other Jedi and of the clones. To a lesser extent, The Clone Wars fills in the gaps and answers some of the many questions the motion pictures failed to explain. As someone who has been a fan of the saga since day one in May 1977, I always wanted more than Lucas was ever able to provide on the big screen.

The focus of The Clone Wars is the clones. This movie, and the 30 minute episodes shown every week on The Cartoon Network, go to great pains to show us the clones are individuals with their own personalities and quirks. They realize they are just Bantha fodder in the great Republic war machine, yet they fight and die without question. If you're hurt, just a bit, every time a clone dies... that was point of this exercise.

Not only do we learn of the clones, but also of the other Master Jedi. The Sith and the Separatists are explored in...
Good for what it tries to do.
I just finished watching `The Clone Wars' & to be honest it was pretty good. No it's not as good as the movies & it's not as intense as the Samurai Jack-esk `Clone Wars' shorts from 2003 but then again it's not supposed to be like ANY of those. It's like comparing apples to oranges.
ALSO keep in mind that Lucas is trying to broaden his appeal to kids with this movie's style & story telling as well as with the series on CTN so it's going to be, over all, a bit more simple in its execution but no less entertaining. Don't watch this expecting an Oscar performance. It is a CGI cartoon after all, how serious/critical are you supposed to take it? It has more of an Episode 2 feel to it, for me at least, but the action sequences are just as long, intense & still 'edgy' for a CGI cartoon. They flowed well & were non-stop action. Clone troopers got it pretty bad in this movie & the lightsaber duels left me wanting for more(longer duels, that is) but were pretty good for a CGI cartoon. It...
Father of a Star Wars Fanatic
I bought this for my 6 year old son who loves Star Wars and the Clone Wars cartoons. He is always asking me to let him watch the Clone Wars on TV but it is on past his bedtime. This helps satisfy his need to see the TV series. He loves it and I think its very imaginative.
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