Sunday, November 17, 2013

Redline [Blu-ray]

Even if you don't like or watch anime...WATCH THIS MOVIE.
Look. I understand. "Anime" isn't a cool thing to most people, not even most self-described "geeks." These days, "anime" is commonly used as shorthand for a particular type of storytelling, characterization, or visualization...and the people who do so NEVER mean it as a compliment. Maybe you're one of these people yourself.

Or maybe you used to watch anime and no longer really do because you've got music, videogames, and regular movies/TV to watch instead. Maybe you used to watch stuff like Cowboy Bebop or FLCL on the Cartoon Network, but never really saw anything else that you liked as much. Maybe you end up spotting some anime that is on Netflix or Hulu, but you don't feel like watching them all the way through.

Does any of that sound like you or someone you know? Then watch this movie.

There's no TV show or...
A must buy for anime or sci-fi fans...
This is one of the most important anime to come along in years. Not only is it visually stunning, but the music and sounds make it truly brilliant. The styling of it makes it so appealing to watch that you won't want it to end. Combine that with an amazing soundtrack, and you will be glad you own it. If you have a home theater system, it will shake your walls.

This is one of those movies that even if you aren't an anime fan, you will love it. All I can say is if you are uncertain about buying it, don't be. Here is the official story synopsis since Amazon doesn't have anything up yet.

REDLINE is about the biggest and most deadly racing tournament in the universe. Only held once every five years, everyone wants to stake their claim to fame, including JP, a reckless dare-devil driver oblivious to speed limits with his ultra-customized car - all the while, organized crime and militaristic governments want to leverage the race to their own ends. Amongst the other...
You haven't seen animation until you've seen this movie.
I watched this when they were showing it as a part of a limited theater release, and I've been aching for it's blu-ray release since! There are few words that can describe how awesome this movie is. The animation is beyond top-notch, with an art style that pops with every frame and keeps your eyes watering from not blinking.

The best way I can describe this film is that its like taking the visual flourish and high-adrenaline action of the live action Speed Racer film, smashing it against the entirety of what made Gurren Lagann one of the most beloved Japanese anime series of the past decade, mixing the two together and cranking all of that up to 11, and then condensing it into an hour and a half experience of visual and aural orgasmica with all of the goodness, none of the filler.

Plus, there's a cute love story in it for...
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