Sunday, November 10, 2013

Berserk: Golden Age Arc II - Battle for Doldrey [Blu-ray]

The Golden Age Saga Continues *SPOILERS*
Well it's been quite a wait, but at last, The Golden Age Arc II: The Battle for Doldrey is here. The movie series, it seems, has taken after the manga in releasing updates at a snails pace. Why we had to wait 14 months for this film to make it from theaters in Japan, to a DVD/BR in America, I do not know (for those keeping track, that's twice as long as the first movie took), but I suppose the wait just makes getting the final product that much sweeter. Anyway, on to the movie itself:

A lot of people's biggest complaint about the first Golden Age movie was the cheesy CGI that would crop up now and again. I am very pleased to be able to say that this movie definitely cleaned this up a lot. This installment is a big visual improvement over the first. Not that the first had much room for improvement, it was beautiful movie, but here they were able to clean up some of the previously mentioned problems with the animation.

While the first movie was about the beginnings...
please buy this
there is only one way to get them to continue adapting the awesome manga you need to buy this product. don't torrent it. don't stream it. please buy this dvd/ bluray/ its not perfect some majorly cool scenes were cut but i still think this is fantastic and a friend of mine lives in Japan has seen the third one. He told me its incredible. we need the whole manga adapted don't let it die again.
The Golden Age Saga Continues *SPOILERS*
Vast improvement over the first film. The CGI is cleaned up, and visually the movie is just much better. The voice acting for both the English and Japanese dubs are strong, as well as the soundtrack. My one pet peeve is that there is a lot left out from the original manga. The story of Griffith killing the queen is entirely passed over. All in all it's a great addition to the franchise and sets things up nicely for the eclipse.
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