Friday, November 1, 2013

Dredd [3D Blu-ray/Blu-ray + Digital Copy + UltraViolet]

Best comic adaptation of 2012
First off, let me say that I am biased to this particular comic book character. I've been a fan since the late '80s and have wanted a film adaptation for a long time. I am not saying that I am pre-disposed to like this film. In fact, quite the contrary is true. I'm not only coming at this from the point of view of somebody who wants to see a good movie, but as somebody who will be judging this by its adherence to and respect for its source material.

I've been disappointed before. The Stallone version of the '90s failed this test on both counts. In fact, the only thing that movie got right was a few beautifully rendered hyper dense scenic shots of Mega City one. This film didn't have those shots. In fact, the scenic shots of the city didn't seem that dense at all...yeah there were tall building....but spaced far apart. It seemed almost like a quaint small city trying to be a big one at the edge of a dessert. That is...until we are taken inside the city...

Excellent movie for the budget. The spirit of Dredd is here in spades. It is not perfect but bloody imaginative.

First the camera work is fantastic. This is really a film to see in 3D. Not because of fancy Hollywood CGI but because of brilliant artistic imagery.

MegaCity looks European in the visuals and vistas but maybe for Americans the vans and cars just look weird. So it works!

Pete Travis' direction is solid and Alex Garland's script is informed and funny. Would loved to have heard Dredd say "Drokk" just once!

Karl Urban is Dredd. He needs to be warmed too but he plays the part very well. Olivia Thirlby is also excellent as Anderson. Lena Headey is very convincing in her Motherly role.

I do hope this becomes a franchise. Dredd is as important as Bond. Show him some respect.

Destined to become a cult classic! It's "Die Hard" meets "Robocop!"
It is an utter crime how this movie flopped at the box office. To be honest I had no idea what to expect when I entered the theater to see this movie. Initially i wanted to go see "Looper" but for some reason at the time I was in the mood for something less cerebral, so me and my buddy chose to see Dredd 3D after a class mate told me to check it out and that it was phenomenal. My God, I was completely blown away! I was so blown away that I went to see it again immediately the next day!

You can tell the director of this film really cared about the project. I felt his heart and soul within every composition and frame. Before this film I use to be anti-3D but after I saw this, it completely changed the game for me, yes even more than "avatar" did. This was the first time I felt that the only way to experience this film was in 3d. even though this film failed at the box office, i feel as if i was part of something special because i was one of the few who saw it in 3d at the...
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