Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Raise The Titanic (BluRay/DVD Combo) [Blu-ray]

A fun movie, so stop playing 'dog pile on the rabbit'
Sorry, I am so tired of "dog pile on the rabbit" with this movie. It was the Waterloo for Cussler and Lew Grade, and had the grave mistiming of premiering as they found the real Titanic. Here was Dirk Pitt riding the Titanic in NYC harbour when footage was shown of the real Titanic on the ocean floor - in pieces.

But you know - SO WHAT? This is FICTION not a documentary. This film has SO MANY people lining up to take potshots at it because it was "shooting fish in a barrel". People grumped because the Titanic could not be raised - OH, is this the first time Hollywood did not follow TRUTH, but opted for fiction? Others grumped it did not follow the book (a Book I loved!) and again I am forced to asked, since WHEN did they EVER really follow a book. By definition, films rarely match a book, because it's not "your" imagination on the film. So toss that ruler out going in.

Did you know they play this film on Bravo? Seems other see something...
Raising the Titanic - This IS Fiction
Seriously, this is one of my favorite movies! Granted it's got a hackneyed script and having a nuclear submarine head off the Russians (we were still in the "Cold War" remember?) was a bit far fetched, but what makes it a favorite is:

Richard Jordan - Always a treat to watch act, no matter if he is playing Harley on the Equalizer or General Armistead in Gettysburg.

Sir Alec Guiness and Jason Robards for the same reasons.

The best part - the first 15 minutes when you have the excellent John Williams score interspersed with photos of the actual Titanic before it's maiden voyage. Not even James Horner, with Cameron's Titanic comes close. It brings back the feeling of the era and the pathos of man thinking that humans could design a "ship that God, himself, couldn't sink".

This is definitely worth a watch even if you find you don't like it. It's a couple of hours well spent.
I'm sick and tired of all the negative reviews for this film. So it didn't follow the book 100%. But it had some top quality acting, great action pieces, and awesome visual effects. Buy it and watch it. And please, don't diss it! Grade: A-
Click to Editorial Reviews

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