Sunday, November 3, 2013

R.I.P.D. (Blu-ray 3D + Blu-ray + DVD + Digital Copy + UltraViolet)

The Dude kicks butt
This movie will not win any Oscars, I would guess, but it's a heck of a lot of fun.

Jeff Bridges was great, and It's nice to see a female star who is played as just smart, attractive and solidly in control rather than a brainless bimbo.

Ryan Reynolds does a solid job too. Great special effects.

I'd say a cross between Dead Like me and Men In Black.

Don't listen to the critics, this film was a blast to watch.
This Review Contains No Spoilers
I haven't read all the negative reviews, but I'm surprised that more people are not giving this movie 4 or 5 stars. I thought it was great. Jeff Bridges and Mary Louis Parker have great chemistry. Ryan Reynolds? I tend to agree with the reviewer who wrote that Reynolds just did not seem right for this movie. R.I.P.D is obviously a take on the Men-In-Black movies, but who cares? How many movies are its own version of Die Hard? The movie has plenty of action, and it also has some very funny scenes. I about lost it when Jeff Bridges describes what a coyote did to his skull after he died--and that's all I'm saying. Just know it's one of the funniest movie moments ever!! R.I.P.D is approximately 90 minutes long. I appreciated there were no scenes where I found myself wishing things would move on. It's a fun movie with lots of action, mostly good acting, and a sci-fi plot that was not overly far-fetched. Go watch it. You'll be glad you did.
Un-Dead Cops? Really? C'mon!
"Un-dead police officers?" Really? C'mon! This PG-13 action-fest once again had me scanning my mental Thesaurus... Absurd? Ludicrous? Preposterous? Ridiculous? Outrageous? Goofy? Hilarious? I think you get the picture. If you've seen the ads you know a recently slain cop joins a team of undead police officers in the Rest In Peace Department.

This goofy comedy, written by Phil Hay/Matt Manfridi ("Clash of the Titans") and directed by Robert Schwentke ("Red") is a sure-fire winner, full of action, comedy and Computer Generated Imaging. I freely admit that there were times things got too, too silly and my interest faltered, but then the story rallied again.

We watch:
* Jeff Bridges ("Hearts of the West") is Roy, wearing a Buffalo Bill beard and mumbling like he has a lower lip full of chewing tobacco; he's an old-time lawman on the third sixty-year extension of his assignment.
* Marisa Miller (Victoria's Secret model) in her slinky gold dress, is Roy's...
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