Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Volcano [Blu-ray]

Volcano is the story of the eruption of a volcano in the middle of Los Angeles causing rivers of lava to run thru the streets destryoing everything in the path of the lava. The special effects are terrific and the solution is ingenious. Tommy Lee Jones performs heroic acts aided by Anne Heche.

The volcano erupts shortly into the movie so you are immediately drawn in to this disaster. Interestingly enough there were two facts noted in the movie that are actually true. The La Brea Tar Pits located in Los Angeles actually exist and tar seeps from the ground. This is a very simplified version of a complicated area - if you wish to know more - google it. My husband has seen the tar pits and they are remarkable. In Volcano the tar pits grow hotter and hotter; a small earthquate shakes LA and strange happenings in the tunnels occur.

When the volcano erupts underneath the tar pits and lava begins running thru the streets the action begins. Tommy Lee Jones is the...
exellent Movie Tommy Lee Jones Is Great and the plot was exciting and quick paced. You will really like this movie.
movie review
saw this movie on regular dvd and wanted to see what is was like on bluray. anyone would like this movie.
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