Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Pain & Gain (Blu-ray + DVD + Digital Copy)

Michael Bay makes a smaller film.
Pain & Gain (2013)- Mark Wahlberg, Dwayne Johnson, Anthony Mackie, Rebel Wilson, Ed Harris, Tony Shalhoub, Ken Jeong

Premise: Danny Lugo (Wahlberg) is a body builder who is sick of being poor. With his friend, Adrian (Mackie), and an ex-con (Johnson), Danny decides to rob a spoiled and egotistical businessman named Victor Kershaw (Shalhoub). After seemingly succeeding, Kershaw turns to a private investigator (Harris) to recover his finances and deal with the trio...But everything gets out of hand quickly.

Thoughts: This is a Michael Bay film. As such, it matches his general off-kilter aesthetics and love of the "BOOM, BANG, BOOM". That said, this is different from his most recent endeavors (i.e. the Transformers) in that it is exceedingly more violent. However, the cast give morbidly entertaining performances which quickly helped make this a much more enjoyable film. Visually intense, dark and even surprisingly violent at times - the film is an enjoyable dark "R"...
Their Gain was another's Pain
I am really troubled by this Story and Entertained by the way it was presented. The troubling part is that this is said to be a true story.

***Stop reading if you don't like spoilers.***

The story starts with Daniel Lugo (Mark Wahlberg) running from what is an obvious raid on his place of employment, he's hit by a car and then the story flashes back to 6 Months earlier.

Daniel is a personal trainer at a local Miami Gym and he comes in contact with a very well to do Colombian-Jewish Entrepreneur. The Entrepreneur's name is withheld to protect the innocent but, needless to say, this guy hires Daniel as Personal Trainer and begins to tell him all about his success in life.

Now Daniel attends a Johnny Wu (Never actually happened) seminar where he is convinced he is A doer and only needs to come up with a plan then make it happen.

One thing leads to another Daniel recruits his two friends, Paul and Adrian, to come up with a plan of...
Turned It Off
I like both main actors and thought this would be a fun movie to rent. It is one of a handful of movies that was so bad I just turned it off. The action was not well shot and what I am guessing was supposed to be comedy was flat. I was not expecting great cinema but I thought it would at least be fun.
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