Thursday, November 7, 2013

Wolf Children (Blu-ray/DVD Combo)

An Incredible Story of Familial Bonds
This film is one of the most incredible, beautiful, and heart wrenching works of art I have ever seen. Whether you're into anime or not, anybody should be able to appreciate this fantastic movie. This is a story about love, and familial bonds, and just how strong those forces can be. Don't watch if you aren't prepared to cry like a baby. The animation is stunning. It has that kind of older, hand-drawn feel that we saw a lot of in the 90s, with the high definition that can only come with more recent projects. The soundtrack is fantastic, giving feelings of both elation and devastation when appropriate. The Japanese voice cast is great, and while I can't as of yet speak for the English dub, I will be editing this review with my thoughts on that, as well as the box set itself and the features, when the product is actually released.

A final note that I want to drive home. In a time when piracy is at an all time high, it has become extremely important to support official...
Funny, Touching, and Beautiful to Watch
(A slightly different version of this review was originally posted on the Region A DVD of this film)

This is an extraordinary film: gorgeously animated, a flawless mix of computer graphics and hand-drawn images, funny, surprising, and touching without being maudlin. It is very much a film for parents, both a literal fantasy, and an allegory about the challenges and rewards of raising your children. It's very hard to find anything bad to say about it. I enjoyed The Girl Who Leapt Through Time, but Wolf Children beats it hands down.

We were privileged to see this film in the New People theater in San Francisco, as part of the Japanese Film Festival, so we got superb visuals and sound quality, and an environment allowing the film to receive our full attention. It is to be hoped that the US BluRay and DVD will be of similar quality. And I'll join my companion reviewer in recommending that, even if you see the film posted online, be sure to purchase a copy to...
Amazing Story, Great Dub
It's hard to put this movie into a genre category, as it takes place over the course of many, many years, chronicling the life of the protagonist, Hana. The movie contains action, love, pain, joy, difficult choices, impossible situations, and hard work. I'd call it slice of life, except the movie covers a whole lot more than a "slice" of Hana's life. It really is just a movie about life.

By the time you've reached this review, the premise will probably be familiar to you: A university student meets and falls in love with a man who is part wolf, and they have two beautiful children (who are, of course, named after the weather outside on their birthdays). Due to the difficulty of having to raise two babies who can't yet tell the difference between being wolves and being human, the family relocates to the country and they start a new life there. They must overcome a variety of harrowing challenges, such as having enough money to make ends meet, learning not to turn into...
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